3 Guys and a Flick Podcast – About Us

Who are we...Why do you want to know?

The 3 Guys

We are 3 guys who love watching and discussing movies.  We use to just sit around and talk movies, sometimes getting pretty heated in our discussions.  Now we bring those discussions online for you to join us.  


The Host

The Basement Master...Don is a former film student with mad movie making skills. He tends to examine movies from a film maker view point, often critical of the finer points.


The Professor

Employed in the education system, Ken tends to look into the deeper meanings found in various movies and characters. Ken also has vast experience working on movie sets.


The Comic Guy

A graphic/web designer by trade. Jon has been an avid comic collector for over 40 years. He tends to be critical of movies based on books, comics or based on true stories.

Podcast microphone headset

What is our Podcast about?

In each episode we will offer a synopsis, movie trivia, hidden facts, our reviews and hopefully a bit of humor.  We love these movies, and if you are like us, you will enjoy our weekly flick deep-dives.

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