Recorded on 4/8/2021
In this episode we review Evil Dead 2 (1987) starring Bruce Campbell. Warning: There will be SPOILERS.
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Countries: USALanguages: English, LatinBudget: $3,600,000 (estimated)
Quotes From The Movie
Henrietta: I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul!
Ash: [aims shotgun at Henrietta's face] Swallow this.
Ash: Workshed.
Ash: [for no apparent reason] ... Groovy.
[upon gaining the chainsaw in place of his lost right hand]
Ash: Groovy.
Ash: [talking to mirror] I'm fine... I'm fine...
[Mirror Ash jumps out of the mirror and grabs Ash]
Mirror Ash: I don't think so. We just cut up our girlfriend with a chainsaw. Does that sound "fine"?
Ash: Hey, what do you say we have some champagne, huh, baby?
Linda: Sure.
Ash: After all, I'm a man and you're a woman... at least last time I checked. Huh huh.
Annie: [Looking at a picture in the Necronomicon of Ash himself] In 1300 AD they called this man the uh, 'hero from the sky'. He was prophesied to have destroyed the evil.
Ash: He didn't do a very good job...
Ash: [to his freshly sawn-off possessed hand] Here's your new home.
[Ash places a bucket and a bunch of books on it to trap the hand, the top book reads "A Farewell to Arms"]
[Ash grabs a chainsaw]
Ash: That's right... who's laughing now... who's laughing *now*?
Bobbie Joe: You're holding my hand too tight.
Jake: Baby, I ain't holding your hand!
Annie: The first passage will allow the demon to manifest itself in the flesh.
Ash: Why the hell would we want to do that?
Henrietta: Someone's in my fruit cellar! Someone with a fresh soooul!
Ash: [after his hand is cut off] You bastards... you dirty bastards!
Ash: You're goin' down. Chainsaw.
[Ash's hand gains a life of its own]
Ash: Gimme back my hand... GIMME BACK MY HAND!
Ash: [being sucked in a vortex] For God's sake! How do you stop it?
Ash: [having just gotten hit in the face with a gusher of blood that turns to black goo] Old double-barrel here, blow your butts to Kingdom Come!
[staggers backward, voice drops]
Ash: See if we don't!
Ash: [as all the knights start hailing him] No. Nooo, Noooo... noooo! NOOOOOO!
Ash: Got you, didn't I, you little sucker!
Linda: Even now we have your darling Linda's soul, as she suffers in torment!
Ash: You're going DOWN!
Ed Getley: We are the things that were and shall be again! Ahahahaha! Spirits of the book! We want what is yours! LIFE! Dead by dawn! Dead by dawn!
Possessed Henrietta: Dead by dawn! Dead by dawn!
Ash: Then let's head on down into that cellar and carve ourselves a witch.
Ash: You did it kid...
Bobbie Joe: [pointing to an *empty* room] It's in there...
Ash: We'll all go in together.
Jake: Hell no! You're the curious one!
Linda: [the demon has possessed Linda] Yes! Your love was a lie! And now she burns in hell!
Narrator: Legend has it it was written by the dark ones. Necronomicon Ex Mortis. Roughly translated - Book of the dead. The book served as a passageway to the evil worlds beyond. It was written long ago, when the seas ran red of blood. It was this blood that was used to ink the book. In the year 1300 AD, the book dissapeared.
Ash: [as his evil sawn-off hand gives him the finger] Son of a...!
Ash: [to Henrietta] Let's go.
Ash: There's something out there. That... that witch in the cellar is only part of it. It lives... out in those woods, in the dark... something... something that's come back from the dead.
Bobbie Joe: I hope you rot down there!
[Ash is trapped in the cellar with Henrietta walking towards him]
Ash: Open the door. There's something down here!
Annie: Open it. Quickly!
Jake: It's a trick!
Professor Raymond Knowby: Recite the passages... dispel the evil... save my soul... and your own minds!