Recorded on 5/27/2021
In this episode we review the movie Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) starring Alden Ehrenreich, Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke and Donald Glover. WARNING: There will be SPOILERS.
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Countries: United StatesLanguages: EnglishBudget: $275,000,000 (estimated)
Quotes From The Movie
Lando Calrissian: I hate you.
Han Solo: I know.
Han Solo: Since when do you know how to fly?
[Chewie howls something]
Han Solo: 190 years old?
[Chewie howls again]
Han Solo: You look great!
[from trailer]
Beckett: Let me give you some advice. Assume everyone will betray you. And you will never be disappointed.
Lando Calrissian: I don't like it, I don't agree with it, but I accept it.
Dryden Vos: You need an incredibly fast ship, and a brilliant pilot.
Han Solo: We've got the pilot.
Han Solo: [to Nest during standoff] You happen to notice that freighter down there? You know what's on it? About 30 hired guns. All I gotta do is give 'em the signal, you're surrounded.
[the Falcon takes off]
Han Solo: Just did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs!
Chewbacca: [howls at Han]
Han Solo: Not if you round down.
Lando Calrissian: Do you want anything?
L3-37: Equal rights?
Han Solo: I don't know if he said "tribe" or "family."
Tobias Beckett: What's the difference?
Opening Scroll: It is a lawless time. Crime Syndicates compete for resources - food, medicine, and hyperfuel. On the shipbuilding planet of Corellia, the foul Lady Proxima forces runaways into a life of crime in exchange for shelter and protection. On these mean streets, a young man fights for survival, but yearns to fly among the stars...
[from trailer]
Han Solo: I heard a story about you. I was wondering if it's true.
Lando Calrissian: Everything you've heard about me is true.
Lando Calrissian: The Calrissian Chronicles. Chapter Five... continued.
Chewbacca: Rrraarrrghhh.
Han Solo: You think everything sounds like a bad idea.
Chewbacca: Rrrawwwrrggh?
[Qi'Ra makes contact with her boss, who appears in a hologram]
Maul: Yes?
Qi'Ra: I regret to inform you that Dryden Vos is dead, murdered by the thief he hired to steal the coaxium ship and his friend - Tobias Beckett.
Maul: Is that so? Where is the shipment now?
Qi'Ra: Gone. Beckett took it. Slaughtered the others. I alone survived.
[Maul takes off his hood]
Maul: One man couldn't have done this alone.
Qi'Ra: I wasn't there. But if I had been, perhaps I could've saved him.
[Maul sneers, then chuckles and pulls a weapon to him with the Force]
Maul: Bring the ship and come to me on Dathomir and you and I will then decide what to do about the traitor Beckett and his accomplices.
[Qi'Ra nods]
Qi'Ra: I'm on my way.
[Maul ignites his lightsaber]
Maul: Qi'ra, you and I will be working much more closely from now on.
[Maul deactivates his lightsaber and the hologram goes off]
[from trailer]
Han Solo: I thought we were in trouble there for a second, but it's fine. We're fine.
[the Falcon dodges gigantic tentacles]
[from trailer]
Beckett: Hey kid, I'm putting together a crew. You in?
[Chewbacca makes an affirmative growl]
Han Solo: That's yes.
Han Solo: So what's your name anyways?
Chewbacca: Rrraaawwgghhhyyy!
Han Solo: You're gonna need a nickname cause I ain't saying that every time.
Lady Proxima: Well, what happened?
Han Solo: I'll tell you what happened. They double-crossed you and tried to kill me.
Lady Proxima: The money?
Han Solo: They kept it.
Lady Proxima: And my coaxium?
Han Solo: They kept that, too. But we learned a very valuable lesson. We cannot trust those guys.
Lady Proxima: So you expect me to believe that you walked away with nothing?
Han Solo: Well, I... I ran away with my life. I think that's something. I mean... to me, that's a lot.
L3-37: So glad we took this job!
Qi'Ra: It's risky, but it's worth a try.
Han Solo: I ran away with my life. I think that means something. That means something to me.
Imperial Officer: We're almost there!
Han Solo: Almost where? Where are we?
Han Solo: I've got a good feeling about this
L3-37: Why, because you're my "organic overlord?"
Lando Calrissian: [Lando to Beckett] This is unbelievable. I'm definitely going to have some words with someone about this.
Rio Durant: Hold on, is that a Wookiee?
Han Solo: I'm gonna be a pilot. Best in the galaxy.
Lando Calrissian: Han! You're alive!
Han Solo: Yeah, no thanks to you. I should have Chewie rip your arms off. In fact, Chewie, do it.
[Chewie roars at Lando]
Lando Calrissian: Hey, Han! We are friends. You know that. We're friends. All right?
[Han pulls Lando into a tight hug]
Han Solo: Oh, look at you. You thought he was gonna rip your arms off.
Lando Calrissian: I knew you were kidding
Han Solo: No, you didn't.
[from trailer]
Beckett: If you come with us, you're in this life for good.
Beckett: Stick to the plan. Do NOT improvise.
Han Solo: [to Chewie in Shyriiwook] Me have plan of break out. You and I freedom make... by secret battle of pretend.
[points to supporting column]
Han Solo: Look... big... stick...
Qi'Ra: [holding a vial of coaxium] This, this is worth...
Han Solo: Five, six hundred credits. That's more than you said we'd need.
Qi'Ra: To buy our way out of the control zone. And off Corellia. Han, this could work.
Han Solo: This is gonna work. Qi'ra, you always said one day we're gonna get out of here. This is it.
Qi'Ra: What are we waiting for?
Han Solo: Drop the landing gear! When I tell you, flood the intake and sweep to the bi-lats. A little something I picked up from my pal, Needles, best street racer in all of Corellia... till he crashed... and died... doing THIS!
Rio Durant: I'm telling ya, you will never have a deeper sleep than curled up in a Wookie's lap.
Lando Calrissian: [L3-37 is fighting someone; Lando comes to introduce Han, Chewie, and Qi'ra] L3! Let go of the mean man's face.
L3-37: [drops her opponent] Who are these guys?
Lando Calrissian: [to L3] You might wanna buckle up, baby.
[from trailer]
Qi'Ra: You're after something. Is it revenge? Money? Or is it something else?
[from trailer]
Qi'Ra: You look good. A little rough around the edges, but good.
[Chewbacca has Han pinned to the floor of his muddy cell]
Han Solo: [Growls something in Shyriiwook]
Chewbacca: [Looks puzzled]
Han Solo: Yeah, I speak a little. Now just listen to me you dumb Wookiee!
Lando Calrissian: [about Han] I like this kid!
L3-37: Who are these guys?
Tobias Beckett: Do you have any idea what it's like to live with a price on your head?
Rio Durant: I'll say, I don't care. This kid's growin' on me.
Rio Durant: Hey, Beckett, you said we were here to pull a quick job.
Beckett: Yeah.
Rio Durant: Well, this ain't a quick job! IT'S A WAR!
Han Solo: Beckett, we're .8 from the bridge! Val's still on the track!
Beckett: Val, you gotta get off that bridge! We're here!
Val: They've got me pinned! I'm gonna have to finish the job from right here.
Beckett: What?
Val: It's been a ride, babe. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.
L3-37: So what are you gonna do about your little problem?
Qi'Ra: Problem? I, er... uh...
L3-37: Well, that brand on your wrist tells me that you're committed. And that young male's heart fluctuations tell me he's in love with you.
Qi'Ra: Han is not in love with me!
L3-37: Oh, please. It's just us. You don't have to pretend. I'm in the same situation.
Qi'Ra: You are?
L3-37: I'm sure you've noticed that Lando has feelings for me. Which makes working together difficult because I do not feel the same way about him.
Qi'Ra: Right.
[pause, decides to humor her]
Qi'Ra: Yes, Yeah. Yeah, I see that.
L3-37: Sometimes, I think... maybe. But, no. We're just not compatible.
Qi'Ra: [pause] How would that work?
L3-37: It works.
Tobias Beckett: Is it a good day?
Rio Durant: IT'S A GREAT DAY!
[from trailer]
Han Solo: I'm gonna be a pilot... best in the galaxy.
Tobias Beckett: [Beckett to Val, Rio] I'll be damned
Dryden Vos: I admire anyone who can crawl their way out of a sewer.
[first lines]
Han Solo: [trying to hotwire a speeder] Come on! Come on!