Recorded on 5/27/2021

In this episode we review the movie Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) starring Alden Ehrenreich, Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke and Donald Glover. WARNING: There will be SPOILERS.

The 3 Guys Podcast

Notes From The Show

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About The Movie From IMDB

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | 135min | May 25, 2018 (United States) 6.9
Director: Ron HowardWriter: Jonathan Kasdan, Lawrence Kasdan, George LucasStars: Alden Ehrenreich, Woody Harrelson, Emilia ClarkeSummary: With the emerging demand of hyperfuel and other resources, Han Solo finds himself in the middle of a heist alongside other criminals, where they meet the likes of Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian in an adventurous situation exposing the criminal underworld.


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Han Soloas Han Solo
Beckettas Beckett
Qi'raas Qi'ra
Lando Calrissianas Lando Calrissian
Chewbaccaas Chewbacca
Valas Val
L3-37as L3-37
Dryden Vosas Dryden Vos
Rio Durantas Rio Durant
Enfys Nestas Enfys Nest
Lady Proximaas Lady Proxima
Reboltas Rebolt
Korsoas Korso
Imperial Emigration Officeras Imperial Emigration Officer
Imperial Recruitment Officeras Imperial Recruitment Officer
Weazelas Weazel
Imperial Mudtrooperas Imperial Mudtrooper
Imperial Mudtrooperas Imperial Mudtrooper

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Countries: United StatesLanguages: EnglishBudget: $275,000,000 (estimated)

Quotes From The Movie

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) 135min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi | May 25, 2018 (United States) Summary:
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English


Lando Calrissian: I hate you.

Han Solo: I know.

Han Solo: Since when do you know how to fly?

[Chewie howls something]

Han Solo: 190 years old?

[Chewie howls again]

Han Solo: You look great!

[from trailer]

Beckett: Let me give you some advice. Assume everyone will betray you. And you will never be disappointed.

Lando Calrissian: I don't like it, I don't agree with it, but I accept it.

Dryden Vos: You need an incredibly fast ship, and a brilliant pilot.

Han Solo: We've got the pilot.

Han Solo: [to Nest during standoff] You happen to notice that freighter down there? You know what's on it? About 30 hired guns. All I gotta do is give 'em the signal, you're surrounded.

[the Falcon takes off]

Han Solo: Just did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs!

Chewbacca: [howls at Han]

Han Solo: Not if you round down.

Lando Calrissian: Do you want anything?

L3-37: Equal rights?

Han Solo: I don't know if he said "tribe" or "family."

Tobias Beckett: What's the difference?

Opening Scroll: It is a lawless time. Crime Syndicates compete for resources - food, medicine, and hyperfuel. On the shipbuilding planet of Corellia, the foul Lady Proxima forces runaways into a life of crime in exchange for shelter and protection. On these mean streets, a young man fights for survival, but yearns to fly among the stars...

[from trailer]

Han Solo: I heard a story about you. I was wondering if it's true.

Lando Calrissian: Everything you've heard about me is true.

Lando Calrissian: The Calrissian Chronicles. Chapter Five... continued.

Chewbacca: Rrraarrrghhh.

Han Solo: You think everything sounds like a bad idea.

Chewbacca: Rrrawwwrrggh?

[Qi'Ra makes contact with her boss, who appears in a hologram]

Maul: Yes?

Qi'Ra: I regret to inform you that Dryden Vos is dead, murdered by the thief he hired to steal the coaxium ship and his friend - Tobias Beckett.

Maul: Is that so? Where is the shipment now?

Qi'Ra: Gone. Beckett took it. Slaughtered the others. I alone survived.

[Maul takes off his hood]

Maul: One man couldn't have done this alone.

Qi'Ra: I wasn't there. But if I had been, perhaps I could've saved him.

[Maul sneers, then chuckles and pulls a weapon to him with the Force]

Maul: Bring the ship and come to me on Dathomir and you and I will then decide what to do about the traitor Beckett and his accomplices.

[Qi'Ra nods]

Qi'Ra: I'm on my way.

[Maul ignites his lightsaber]

Maul: Qi'ra, you and I will be working much more closely from now on.

[Maul deactivates his lightsaber and the hologram goes off]

[from trailer]

Han Solo: I thought we were in trouble there for a second, but it's fine. We're fine.

[the Falcon dodges gigantic tentacles]

[from trailer]

Beckett: Hey kid, I'm putting together a crew. You in?

[Chewbacca makes an affirmative growl]

Han Solo: That's yes.

Han Solo: So what's your name anyways?

Chewbacca: Rrraaawwgghhhyyy!

Han Solo: You're gonna need a nickname cause I ain't saying that every time.

Han Solo: How did you get out?

Qi'Ra: I didn't.

Lady Proxima: Well, what happened?

Han Solo: I'll tell you what happened. They double-crossed you and tried to kill me.

Lady Proxima: The money?

Han Solo: They kept it.

Lady Proxima: And my coaxium?

Han Solo: They kept that, too. But we learned a very valuable lesson. We cannot trust those guys.

Lady Proxima: So you expect me to believe that you walked away with nothing?

Han Solo: Well, I... I ran away with my life. I think that's something. I mean... to me, that's a lot.

Beckett: Sorry I punched your face.

Han Solo: Happens more often than you think.

L3-37: So glad we took this job!

Qi'Ra: It's risky, but it's worth a try.

Han Solo: I ran away with my life. I think that means something. That means something to me.

Imperial Officer: We're almost there!

Han Solo: Almost where? Where are we?

Han Solo: I've got a good feeling about this

L3-37: Why, because you're my "organic overlord?"

Lando Calrissian: [Lando to Beckett] This is unbelievable. I'm definitely going to have some words with someone about this.

Rio Durant: Hold on, is that a Wookiee?

Han Solo: I'm gonna be a pilot. Best in the galaxy.

Qi'Ra: What should we drink to?

Han Solo: Let's drink two and see where it goes.

Lando Calrissian: Han! You're alive!

Han Solo: Yeah, no thanks to you. I should have Chewie rip your arms off. In fact, Chewie, do it.

[Chewie roars at Lando]

Lando Calrissian: Hey, Han! We are friends. You know that. We're friends. All right?

[Han pulls Lando into a tight hug]

Han Solo: Oh, look at you. You thought he was gonna rip your arms off.

Lando Calrissian: I knew you were kidding

Han Solo: No, you didn't.

[from trailer]

Beckett: If you come with us, you're in this life for good.

Beckett: Stick to the plan. Do NOT improvise.

Han Solo: [to Chewie in Shyriiwook] Me have plan of break out. You and I freedom make... by secret battle of pretend.

[points to supporting column]

Han Solo: Look... big... stick...

Qi'Ra: [holding a vial of coaxium] This, this is worth...

Han Solo: Five, six hundred credits. That's more than you said we'd need.

Qi'Ra: To buy our way out of the control zone. And off Corellia. Han, this could work.

Han Solo: This is gonna work. Qi'ra, you always said one day we're gonna get out of here. This is it.

Qi'Ra: What are we waiting for?

Han Solo: Drop the landing gear! When I tell you, flood the intake and sweep to the bi-lats. A little something I picked up from my pal, Needles, best street racer in all of Corellia... till he crashed... and died... doing THIS!

Rio Durant: I'm telling ya, you will never have a deeper sleep than curled up in a Wookie's lap.

Lando Calrissian: [L3-37 is fighting someone; Lando comes to introduce Han, Chewie, and Qi'ra] L3! Let go of the mean man's face.

L3-37: [drops her opponent] Who are these guys?

Lando Calrissian: [to L3] You might wanna buckle up, baby.

[from trailer]

Qi'Ra: You're after something. Is it revenge? Money? Or is it something else?

[from trailer]

Qi'Ra: You look good. A little rough around the edges, but good.

[Chewbacca has Han pinned to the floor of his muddy cell]

Han Solo: [Growls something in Shyriiwook]

Chewbacca: [Looks puzzled]

Han Solo: Yeah, I speak a little. Now just listen to me you dumb Wookiee!

Lando Calrissian: [about Han] I like this kid!

L3-37: Who are these guys?

Tobias Beckett: Do you have any idea what it's like to live with a price on your head?

Rio Durant: I'll say, I don't care. This kid's growin' on me.

Rio Durant: Hey, Beckett, you said we were here to pull a quick job.

Beckett: Yeah.

Rio Durant: Well, this ain't a quick job! IT'S A WAR!

Han Solo: Beckett, we're .8 from the bridge! Val's still on the track!

Beckett: Val, you gotta get off that bridge! We're here!

Val: They've got me pinned! I'm gonna have to finish the job from right here.

Beckett: What?

Val: It's been a ride, babe. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

L3-37: So what are you gonna do about your little problem?

Qi'Ra: Problem? I, er... uh...

L3-37: Well, that brand on your wrist tells me that you're committed. And that young male's heart fluctuations tell me he's in love with you.

Qi'Ra: Han is not in love with me!

L3-37: Oh, please. It's just us. You don't have to pretend. I'm in the same situation.

Qi'Ra: You are?

L3-37: I'm sure you've noticed that Lando has feelings for me. Which makes working together difficult because I do not feel the same way about him.

Qi'Ra: Right.

[pause, decides to humor her]

Qi'Ra: Yes, Yeah. Yeah, I see that.

L3-37: Sometimes, I think... maybe. But, no. We're just not compatible.

Qi'Ra: [pause] How would that work?

L3-37: It works.

Tobias Beckett: Is it a good day?

Rio Durant: IT'S A GREAT DAY!

[from trailer]

Han Solo: I'm gonna be a pilot... best in the galaxy.

Tobias Beckett: [Beckett to Val, Rio] I'll be damned

Dryden Vos: I admire anyone who can crawl their way out of a sewer.

Han Solo: Mining colonies are the worst.

Beckett: Yeah, well, "the worst" is where the money is.

[first lines]

Han Solo: [trying to hotwire a speeder] Come on! Come on!

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