Podcast 28: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Recorded on 9/23/2021

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre LunchboxFor the month of October, we’re reviewing 2 Horror themed movies each week in each episode.  In this podcast we review 1974’s “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” VERSUS the 2003 Remake.  WARNING: There will be SPOILERS.

The 3 Guys Podcast

Interested in checking out the movie on Blue-ray? Click on the link below.

Our Picks for Leatherface Merch

Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Sixth Scale Figure by Sideshow Collectibles

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface

Leatherface “Slaughter”

Collectible Set by PCS

Notes From The Show

The 3 Guys Rating


About The Movie From IMDB

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Horror | 83min | October 11, 1974 (United States) 7.5
Director: Tobe HooperWriter: Kim Henkel, Tobe HooperStars: Marilyn Burns, Edwin Neal, Allen DanzigerSummary: En route to visit their grandfather's grave (which has apparently been ritualistically desecrated), five teenagers drive past a slaughterhouse, pick up (and quickly drop) a sinister hitch-hiker, eat some delicious home-cured meat at a roadside gas station, before ending up at the old family home... where they're plunged into a never-ending nightmare as they meet a family of cannibals who more than make up in power tools what they lack in social skills... —Michael Brooke <michael@everyman.demon.co.uk>


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Old Man
Window Washer
Bearded Man
Cattle Truck Driver
Pick Up Driver
Radio Announcer

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Countries: United StatesLanguages: EnglishBudget: $300,000 (estimated)

Quotes From The Movie

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 83min | Horror | October 11, 1974 (United States) Summary: Five friends head out to rural Texas to visit the grave of a grandfather. On the way they stumble across what appears to be a deserted house, only to discover something sinister within. Some... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English


[first lines]

Narrator: The film which you are about to see is an account of the tragedy which befell a group of five youths, in particular Sally Hardesty and her invalid brother, Franklin. It is all the more tragic in that they were young. But, had they lived very, very long lives, they could not have expected nor would they have wished to see as much of the mad and macabre as they were to see that day. For them an idyllic summer afternoon drive became a nightmare. The events of that day were to lead to the discovery of one of the most bizarre crimes in the annals of American history, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

Old Man: I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it.

Old Man: Look what your brother did to the door! Ain't he got no pride in his home?

Hitchhiker: My family's always been in meat.

Franklin: [Sarcastically] HE HE HE! Come on Franklin! It's gonna be a fun trip! HE! If I have anymore fun today, I don't think I'm gonna be able to take it!

Hitchhiker: You could have dinner with us... my brother makes good head cheese! You like head cheese?

Franklin: Hey man, you ever go in that slaughter room or whatever they call it? The place where they shoot cattle in the head with that big air gun?

Hitchhiker: Oh, that gun's no good.

Franklin: I was in there once with my uncle.

Hitchhiker: The old way... with a sledge! You see, that way's better. They die better that way.

Franklin: Well, how come? I thought the gun was better.

Hitchhiker: Oh, no. With the new way... people were put out of jobs.

Franklin: Did you do that?

Hitchhiker: [digs through pouch for a few pictures] Look!

[hands them to Franklin]

Hitchhiker: I was the killer!

Franklin: [looking at the pictures] Damn...

Jerry: That's the last goddamn hitchhiker I ever pick up.

[to the captive Sally in his truck]

Old Man: Sorry to keep you waiting, young lady. I had to lock up the shop and turn the lights off. The cost of electricity these days is enough to drive a man like me out of business.

Franklin: [refering to the Hitchhiker] I think we just picked up Dracula.

Jerry: Hi, Mister. Would you fill 'er up, please?

Old Man: I got no gas.

Franklin: What? You're all out of gas?

Old Man: My tank's empty! Transport woun't be here until late this afternoon. Maybe not even 'til tomorrow morning.

Franklin: Hey, do you know where the old Franklin place is?

Old Man: The old Franklin place?

Franklin: Yeah, it's an old two-story rock house that sitting up on a hill. I thought it might be back on that road someplace, but I'm not really sure.

Old Man: Uh... yeah, maybe I've seen something like that up that way. Well now look, you boys don't want to go messin' around some old house. Those things is dangerous. You're liable to get hurt.

Kirk: We'll be careful.

Old Man: No, seriously. You don't want to go fooling around other folks' property. If some folks don't like it... they don't mind showing you.

Old Man: Look... I got some good barbecue here!

Old Man: Those girls... those girls don't wanna go messin' 'round no old house!

Old Man: [to Leatherface] You... you damn fool! You ruined the door!

Hitchhiker: You just shut up and remember you're just the cook and me and him'll handle this!

Old Man: Shut your mouth!

Sally: [when they arrive at the old house, upon seeing its condition] Oh, I wish they hadn't let the place fall apart.

Jerry: Now it looks like the birthplace of Bela Lugosi.

Old Man: Shut up, you bitch hog!

[last lines]

Sally: Go! Go!

Drunk: [laughs] Things happen here about, they don't tell about. I see things. You see, they say that it's just an old man talking. You laugh at an old man, it's them that laughs and knows better.

[laughs again]

Kirk: So, where you heading, man?

Hitchhiker: South.

Franklin: You work at that place? The slaughter house?

Hitchhiker: Uh... no.

Sally: How'd you get stuck way out here?

Hitchhiker: I was at the slaughter house.

Franklin: I got an uncle who works in a slaughter house.

Hitchhiker: I used to work there. My brother did too. My grandfather too. My family's always been in meat!

Franklin: [quietly to Sally] A whole family of Draculas!

Franklin: If I have any more fun today I don't think I can take it!

Pam: Hey, listen to Franklin's horoscope. "Travel in the country, long-range plans, and upsetting persons around you, could make this a disturbing and unpredictiable day. The events in the world are not doing much either to cheer one up."

Jerry: That's just perfect. And now read Sally's.

Pam: [reading from the American Astrology book] Oh, no. Capricorn's ruled by Saturn. "There are moments when we cannot believe that what is happening is really true. Pinch yourself and you may find out that it is."

[Kirk and Pam arrive at a large hole in the ground where a pond used to be]

Kirk: This must be it. How the hell did Franklin ever get down here anyway?

Pam: Somebody must've carried him when he was little.

Kirk: Franklin never was little.

Old Man: [to Sally] Why, my old grandpa was the best killer there was at the slaughterhouse. Why, it never took more than one lick they say. Why, he did 60 cattle in five minutes once. They say he could have done more if the hook and pull gang could have gotten the beeves out of the way faster.

Franklin: They just shoot a bolt in their head, and then retract it. It's just BOOM-shht-BOOM-shht.

Sally: Franklin, I like meat. Please change the subject!

Hitchhiker: [to Sally] And-and I thought YOU was in a hurry!

Radio news reader: [voice-over] Graverobbing in Texas is this hour's top news story. An informant led officers of the Muerto County Sheriff's Department to a cemetery just outside the small rural Texas community of Newt early this morning. Officers there discovered what appeared to be a grisly work of art: the remains of a badly decomposed corpse wired to a large monument. A second body was found in a ditch near the perimeter of the cemetery. Subsequent investigation has revealed at least a dozen empty crypts, and it's feared more will turn up as the probe continues. Deputies report that in some instances only parts of a corpse have been removed, the head or in some cases the extremities removed, the remainder of the corpse left intact. Evidence indicates the robberies have occurred over a period of time. Sheriff Jesus Maldonado refused to give details in the ghoulish case, and said only that he did have evidence linking the crime to elements outside the state. Area residents have reportedly been converging on the cemetery, fearing the remains of relatives have been removed. No suspects are in custody as the investigation at the scene continues.

Jerry: Come on, guys; quit goofing on me.

Old Man: [to Sally] There's no need to do that!

Old Man: [to Sally] Just take it easy now.

Hitchhiker: [to Leatherface, who investigates Sally at the dinner table] You like this face?

Franklin: [referring to the hitchhiker] You don't think that guy tried to follow us, do you? Well, I mean there's no way that he could follow us. He's probably afraid Kirk will kill him.


Jerry: Have you been doing those Reader's Digest 'Word-Power' columns again?

Kirk: [when approaching a slaughterhouse] What's that stench?

Sally: You can't just let them kill me!

Sally: I'll do anything.

Radio Announcer: ...leaving the rest of the cadavers untouched.

Hitchhiker: He's just a Cook! And it burns you up, don't it?

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