Podcast 29: Friday the 13th (1980)

Recorded on 9/30/2021

For the month of October, we’re reviewing 2 Horror themed movies each week in each episode.  In this podcast we review 1980’s “Friday the 13th” VERSUS the 2009 Remake.  WARNING: There will be SPOILERS.

The 3 Guys Podcast

Podcast Show Notes

The 3 Guys Rating


About The Movie From IMDB

Friday the 13th Horror, Mystery, Thriller | 95min | May 9, 1980 (United States) 6.4
Director: Sean S. CunninghamWriter: Victor Miller, Ron KurzStars: Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King, Jeannine TaylorSummary: In 1957, a young boy named Jason drowns in a lake near Camp Crystal Lake. The next year, two counselors are murdered. In 1980, a descendant of the original owners reopens Camp Crystal Lake with some counselors' help. The counselors gets killed one by one by a mysterious person. Could it be Jason, out for revenge? —RedJames99


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Mrs. Voorhees
Steve Christy
The Truck Driver
Sgt. Tierney
Officer Dorf
Crazy Ralph

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Countries: United StatesLanguages: EnglishBudget: $550,000 (estimated)

Quotes From The Movie

Friday the 13th 95min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller | May 9, 1980 (United States) Summary: A group of camp counselors are stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant while trying to reopen a summer camp which was the site of a child's drowning and a grisly double murder years bef... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English


[last lines]

Alice: The boy. Is he dead, too?

Tierney: Who?

Alice: The boy. Jason.

Tierney: Jason?

Alice: In the lake, the one... the one who attacked me. The one who pulled me underneath the water.

Tierney: Ma'am, we didn't find any boy.

Alice: But... then he's still there.

Crazy Ralph: You're doomed! You're all doomed!

Mrs. Voorhees: Did you know a young boy drowned the year before those two others were killed? The counselors weren't paying any attention... They were making love while that young boy drowned. His name was Jason. I was working the day that it happened. Preparing meals... here. I was the cook. Jason should've been watched. Every minute. He was... he wasn't a very good swimmer. We can go now, dear.

Alice: Who are you?

Mrs. Voorhees: Why I'm... I'm Mrs. Voorhees, an old friend of the Christys'.

Mrs. Voorhees: [high voice] Kill her, Mommy! Kill her! Don't let her get away, Mommy! Don't let her live!

[normal voice]

Mrs. Voorhees: I won't, Jason. I won't!

Jason: [in flashback] Help me! Help! Help, Mommy! Help! Help, Mommy! Mommy, help!

Mrs. Voorhees: I am, Jason. I am.

Mrs. Voorhees: You let him drown! You never paid any attention. Look what you did to him.

[pulls out a large hunting knife]

Mrs. Voorhees: Look what you did to him!

Jack: Come on. I love you.

Marcie: But what about Ned?

Jack: I don't love Ned.

Ned: [Runs around howling like an Indian in a headdress, he sees a Police officer staring at him] Oh, shit.

Mrs. Voorhees: You see, Jason was my son, and today is his birthday...

Mrs. Voorhees: Come, dear. It'll be easier for you than it was for Jason.

Ned: If you were a flavor of ice cream, what would it be?

Marcie: Rocky road.

Tierney: It's not bad enough to have Friday the 13th, we've gotta have a full moon too. We keep statistics. We have more accidents, more rapes, more robberies, more homicides, more of everything when there's a full moon. It upsets people. Makes them nuts.

Steve Christy: You're making a science out of coincidence.

Bill: If this is a joke, I'm gonna brain 'em!

The Truck Driver: I tell ya, he's causing problems enough for your boss with all that talk... goddamn nuisance... Did he tell you anything?

Annie: Oh, I'll be cooking for fifty kids and ten staff. The campers will mostly be like inner-city children.

The Truck Driver: I mean about what happened.

Annie: No.

[the truck driver shakes head]

Annie: Come on, there's something you're not telling me.

The Truck Driver: Quit. Quit now.

Annie: Quit? Why would I wanna quit?

The Truck Driver: Camp Crystal Lake is jinxed.

Annie: Oh, terrific. Not you, too! You sound like your crazy friend back there, Ralph.

The Truck Driver: Did Christy ever tell you 'bout the two kids murdered in '58? Boy drowning in '57? Buncha fires. Nobody knows who did any of 'em. In 1962, they was gonna open up... the water was bad. Christy'll end up just like his folks, crazy and broke. He's been up there a year fixin' up that place. He musta dropped 25 thousand dollars, and for what? Ask anybody, quit.

Annie: I can't.

The Truck Driver: Dumb kids. Know-it-alls. Just like my niece, heads fulla rocks.

Annie: You're an American Original.

The Truck Driver: [mocking] I'm an American Original. Dumb kid.

Alice: [finds a bloody axe in someone's bed] What is going on?

[while playing strip Monopoly]

Alice: Baltic Avenue.

Bill: No one ever lands on Baltic Avenue.

Alice: I think it's a pretty color. I'll buy it.

[Bill rolls and lands on Baltic Avenue]

Alice: Ha. Baltic Avenue. You owe me one boot.

Brenda: Alice draws first blood.

Bill: That's a terrible way to talk about my feet.

Mrs. Voorhees: She can't hide; no place to hide.

Claudette: [having sex] Barry's out of bounds... Barry...

Barry: Come on, a man's not made out of stone.

Claudette: [whispers] Somebody's there!

Barry: [notices who it is] We weren't doing anything. We were just messing...

The Truck Driver: All the girls up there gonna look as good as you?

Annie: I don't know.

Crazy Ralph: You're going to Camp Blood, ain't ya?

The Truck Driver: Goddammit, Ralph, get outta here! Go on, get! Leave people alone!

Crazy Ralph: You'll never come back again.

The Truck Driver: Oh, shut up, Ralph.

Crazy Ralph: It's got a death curse!

Brenda: [upon repairing the generator] What hath God wrought?

Steve Christy: Well, hi. What are you doing out in this mess?

[he gets stabbed]

Ned: [after dancing around, doing a rain dance with a stereotypical Native American headdress on] Yeah, right, I'm just fooling around...

Officer Dorf: Hey, can it, Cochise.

Ned: [shoots arrow at target after Brenda sets it up] Ta-da!

Brenda: Are you crazy?

Ned: Wanna see my trick shot? It's even better.

Brenda: I don't believe you!

Ned: [imitating Humphrey Bogart] You know, you're beautiful when you're angry, sweetheart.

Brenda: Oh, yeah?

Ned: Yeah.

Brenda: Are you gonna help me or scare me to death? If you do that again, I'll tack you up to the wall to dry.

Ned: Yeah! I love that sexy talk.

Marcie: [At sink, doing impression of Katharine Hepburn...] When I looked into that mirror, I knew I'd always be ugly. I said, "Lizzy, you'll always be plain."

Alice: Bill? Steve wants to know if we need more paint.

Bill: Paint's all right. Need more thinner.

Alice: Okay.

Bill: Alice. Did the others show up?

Alice: Yeah, everybody except that girl Annie.

Bill: Think you're gonna last all summer?

Alice: I don't know if i'm gonna last all week.

Alice: I'll tell Steve about the thinner.

Bill: Fine.

Officer Dorf: You kids keep your noses clean, you understand? You'll be hearing from me if you don't! We ain't gonna stand for any weirdness out here!

Officer Dorf: I'm looking for somebody.

Ned: Now, who's that?

Officer Dorf: Guy named Ralph. Town crazy.

Ned: [acting silly with the stereotypical Native American headdress on] Well, there's no crazy people around here!

Officer Dorf: I told you to sit on it, Tonto!

Marcie: [to Jack] You are so fine.

Ned: He neglected to mention that downtown they call this place Camp Blood.

Marcie: Next, they're going to tell us there are poisonous snakes in the outhouse and crocodiles in the lake.

Jack: The crocodiles are in the cabin.

Annie: Guess I always wanted to work with children. I hate when people call 'em kids. Sounds like little goats. But when you've had a dream as long as I have, you'll do anything.

Jack: It's gonna storm! It's gonna tear down that valley like a son of gun!

Marcie: I've been afraid of storms ever since I was a little kid.

Jack: No really!

Marcie: Yeah I had this dream about five or six times when I'm in a thunderstorm. And it's raining really hard, it sounds like pebbles when it hits the ground. I can hear it! I try to block out the sound with my hands only it doesn't work, the sound keeps getting louder and louder. And then the rain turns to blood, and it washes away in little rivers, and then the sound stops.

Jack: It was just a dream!

Marcie: I know! I call it my shower dream.

Brenda: Just wait until he lands on my old Kentucky home.

Bill: More beer? More beer.

Crazy Ralph: I'm a messenger of God. You're doomed if you stay here!

Jack: [seeing Bill with a machete raised] Jesus, Bill! What are you doing?

Bill: There's a snake in here!

Marcie: Why are we in here?

Alice: [a snake is under the bed] I can't sleep if there's a snake in here!

Bill: I can't kill it until it comes out.

Alice: Well, call him!

Bill: How do you call a snake?

Alice: [Bill's just killed the snake] Is it dead?

Ned: Either that or it's got a very short clone.

Marcie: Well, at least we know what's for dinner.

Claudette: Somebody'll see.

Barry: No, they won't.

Claudette: Does Mary Ann kiss as good as I do?

Barry: How would I know?

Claudette: Oh, you...

Officer Dorf: What you been smoking, boy?

Jack: Smoking? Don't smoke; causes cancer.

Officer Dorf: You know what I mean. What, did you just get off a spaceship or something? Come on. Colombian gold, man. Grass, hash, the weed, dig it?

Mrs. Voorhees: [seeing Brenda's dead body] Oh, my Lord! So young. So pretty. Oh, what monster could have done this?

Alice: Bill's out there.

Mrs. Voorhees: Oh, God, this place! Steve should never have opened this place again, there's been too much trouble here!

Marcie: [Searches the bathroom and finds nothing] I guess it's just my imagination...

[turns around to see an ax raised over her head]

Marcie: AHHH!

Bill: ...This Ralph you're looking for, is he dangerous or anything?

Officer Dorf: [oozing disgust] Every time that loony gets drunk, he gets his "calling". Then I spend a whole morning in court, while he gets a week in jail.

Brenda: Ah hum, hey... I know what we can do. We're gonna play Monopoly...

Alice: I hate Monopoly!

Brenda: Not the way I play it , you don't.

Bill: What?

Brenda: We're going to play Strip Monopoly. I'll be the shoe.

Alice: You have got to be kidding.

Bill: What if Steve walks in?

Brenda: Uh, we'll give him a handicap:: he can keep his boots on; everything else goes. Now it's easy: instead of paying rent, you pay clothes. Bill can be Banker... Unless, of course he's chicken.

Mrs. Voorhees: Kill her mommy, kill her. She can't hide, no place to hide.

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