Podcast 31: Halloween (1978)

Recorded on 10/14/2021

As October ends, we finish up reviewing our classic horror movie picks.  In this podcast we visit the town of Haddonfield, Illinois as we review 1978’s “Halloween” VERSUS the 2007 Remake.  We also compare all the recently reviewed slasher flicks we’ve watched.  Does our pick for top maniac and best last girl match your favorites? Check if out…WARNING: There will be SPOILERS.

The 3 Guys Podcast

Podcast Show Notes

The 3 Guys Rating


Photos From The Movie

About The Movie From IMDB

Halloween Horror, Thriller | 91min | October 27, 1978 (United States) 7.7
Director: John CarpenterWriter: John Carpenter, Debra HillStars: Donald Pleasence, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tony MoranSummary: The year is 1963, the night: Halloween. Police are called to 43 Lampkin Ln. only to discover that 15 year old Judith Myers has been stabbed to death, by her 6 year-old brother, Michael. After being institutionalized for 15 years, Myers breaks out on the night before Halloween. No one knows, nor wants to find out, what will happen on October 31st 1978 besides Myers' psychiatrist, Dr. Loomis. He knows Michael is coming back to Haddonfield, but by the time the town realizes it, it'll be too late for many people. —Massive Fan


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Michael Myers (Age 23)
Graveyard Keeper
Dr. Wynn
Michael Myers (Age 6)
Judith Myers

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Countries: United StatesLanguages: EnglishBudget: $325,000 (estimated)

Quotes From The Movie

Halloween 91min | Horror, Thriller | October 27, 1978 (United States) Summary: Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English


Loomis: I met him, 15 years ago; I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience, no understanding in even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this... six-year-old child with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and... the blackest eyes - the Devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up, because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil.

Loomis: [to Brackett] Death has come to your little town, Sheriff.

Brackett: It's Halloween. Everyone's entitled to one good scare.

Lynda: [exposing her breasts] See anything you like?

Laurie: It was the Boogeyman.

Loomis: As a matter of fact it was.

Loomis: You've fooled them, haven't you, Michael? But not me.

Dr. Wynn: Now, for God's sake, he can't even drive a car!

Loomis: He was doing very well last night! Maybe someone around here gave him lessons!

Brackett: I have a feeling that you're way off on this.

Loomis: You have the wrong feeling.

Brackett: You're not doing very much to prove me wrong!

Loomis: What more do you need?

Brackett: Well, it's going to take a lot more than fancy talk to keep me up all night crawling around these bushes.

Loomis: I-I-I watched him for fifteen years, sitting in a room, staring at a wall; not seeing the wall, looking past the wall; looking at this night, inhumanly patient, waiting for some secret, silent alarm to trigger him off. Death has come to your little town, Sheriff. Now, you can either ignore it, or you can help me to stop it.

Brackett: More fancy talk.

Marion: Don't you think it would be better if you referred to "it" as "him"?

Loomis: If you say so.

Marion: Your compassion's overwhelming, Doctor.

Loomis: [after Michael escapes from the mental institution] He's gone! He's gone from here! The evil is gone!

Brackett: Every kid in Haddonfield thinks this place is haunted.

Loomis: They may be right.

Loomis: [pulling his gun after being startled by a crash] You must think me a very sinister doctor... oh, I have a permit.

Brackett: Seems to me you're just plain scared.

Loomis: Yeah, yeah I am...

Lindsey: I'm scared!

Laurie: There's nothing to be scared of.

Tommy: Are you sure?

[Laurie nods]

Tommy: How?

Laurie: I killed him...

Tommy: But you can't kill the boogeyman!

[referring to a partially eaten dog]

Brackett: A man wouldn't do that.

Loomis: This isn't a man.

Marion: What do I give him when we take him in front of the judge?

Loomis: Thorazine.

Marion: He'll barely be able to sit up!

Loomis: That's the idea.

Annie: [Michael Myers' car cruises by the girls walking home from school] Hey, jerk! Speed kills!

[the car screeches to a halt]

Annie: God, can't he take a joke?

Laurie: You know, Annie, some day you're going to get us all in deep trouble.

Lynda: Totally.

Annie: I *hate* a guy with a car and no sense of humor.

Annie: Still spooked?

Laurie: I wasn't spooked.

Annie: Lies!

Laurie: I wasn't! I saw someone standing in Mr. Riddle's back yard.

Annie: Probably Mr. Riddle!

Laurie: He was watching me.

Annie: Mr. Riddle was watching you? Laurie, Mr. Riddle is eighty-seven!

Laurie: He can still watch.

Annie: That's probably all he can do!

[as Lonnie is about to enter the Myers house]

Loomis: Hey! Hey, Lonnie, get your ass away from there!

[Lonnie and his mates run. Loomis smiles to himself as a hand grabs his shoulder. He spins around, surprised, to find Brackett]

Loomis: Oh! Jesus!

Brackett: Are you all right?

Loomis: Yeah.

Mr. Peter Myers: Michael?

[Mr. Peter Myers takes off the clown mask]

Lynda: [concerning Annie] The only reason she babysits is to have a place for...

Laurie: [realizing she had forgot something] Shit.

Annie: I have a place for *that*!

Laurie: I forgot my chemistry book.

Lynda: So, who cares? I always forget my chemistry book and my math book, and my English book, and my, let's see, my French book, and... well, who needs books anyway? I don't need books. I always forget all my books. I mean, it doesn't really matter if you have your books or not... Hey, isn't that Devon Graham?

Loomis: [into phone] You've got to believe me, Officer, he is coming to Haddonfield... Because I know him! I'm his doctor! You must be ready for him... If you don't, it's your funeral.

Marion: [arriving at Smith's Grove and seeing patients walk the grounds] Since when do they let them just wander around?

[the Shape is lurking by a bush on the sidewalk]

Laurie: Annie, look!

Annie: Look where? I don't see anything.

Laurie: That guy who passed us in the car before, the one you yelled at!

Annie: Subtle, isn't he?

[marches over to the bush]

Annie: Hey, creep!


Annie: Laurie, dear. He wants to talk to you. He wants to take you out tonight.

Laurie: [seeing there's nobody there] He was standing right there.

Annie: Poor Laurie! Scared another one away. It's tragic, you *never* go out. You must have a small fortune stashed away from babysitting so much.

Laurie: Guys think I'm too smart.

Annie: I don't. I think you're wacko. Now you're seeing men behind bushes!

Loomis: He came home!

Dr. Wynn: I'm not responsible, Sam.

Loomis: Oh, no.

Dr. Wynn: I told them how dangerous he was.

Loomis: You couldn't have, two roadblocks and an all points bulletin wouldn't stop a five year old.

Dr. Wynn: Well, he's your patient, if you knew that the precautions weren't strong enough, you should have told somebody.

Loomis: I told everybody! Nobody listened.

Dr. Wynn: There's nothing else I can do.

Loomis: You can get back in there and get back on that telephone and tell them exactly who walked out of here last night and tell them exactly where he's going.

Dr. Wynn: Where he's probably going.

Loomis: I've wasted my time.

Dr. Wynn: Sam, Haddonfield is 150 miles away from here. For God's sake, he can't even drive a car!

Loomis: He was doing very well last night! Maybe someone around here gave him lessons.

Laurie: [to herself, watching kids trick-or-treating] Well, kiddo, I thought you outgrew superstition.

Tommy: It's the boogeyman! The boogeyman's outside!

Laurie: Oh, Tommy, stop it! You're scaring Lindsey. There's nobody out there. Now, if you don't stop this I'm going to have to turn the TV off and send you to bed.

Tommy: Nobody believes me!

Lindsey: I believe you, Tommy.

Laurie: Sleep tight, kids.

Laurie: Tommy, unlock the door! Come here, now you listen to me. I want you to go down the stairs, and out the front door. I want you to go down the street to the Mackenzie's house. I want you to tell them to call the police and tell them to send them over here. Now, do you understand me? Go do as I say!

Marion: You're serious about this, aren't you?

Loomis: Yes.

Marion: I mean, you really never want him to get out?

Loomis: No, never, ever... never.

Lynda: So Annie, are we still on for tonight?

Annie: I wouldn't want to get you in deep trouble, Lynda!

Lynda: Oh, come on, Annie! Bob and I have been planning it for weeks.

Annie: All right, the Wallaces leave at seven.

Laurie: I'm babysitting the Doyles, it's two houses down. We can keep each other company!

Annie: Oh, terrific. I've got three choices: watch the kid sleep, listen to Lynda screw around, or talk to you!

Sheriff Leigh Brackett: [beginning to believe Dr. Loomis about Michael's escape and coming to Haddonfield] All right, I'll stay with you tonight. Just for the chance that you are right. And if you are right, damn you for letting him go.

Loomis: Ever done anything like this before?

Marion: Only minimum security.

Loomis: I see.

Marion: The only thing I can't stand is their gibberish... how they keep ranting on and on.

Loomis: You haven't anything to worry about. He hasn't spoken a word in fifteen years.

Laurie: Lynda, if this is a joke, I'll kill you!

Tommy: I don't like that story anymore.

Laurie: I thought King Arthur was your favorite.

Tommy: Not anymore.

[takes a stack of comics from under the couch]

Laurie: Why do you keep them under there?

Tommy: Mom doesn't like me having them.

Laurie: Laser Man, Neutron Man. I can understand why. Tarantula Man...

Tommy: Laurie, what's the Boogeyman?

[inside Myers' house]

Loomis: Hey... What is that?

Brackett: A dog.

[Loomis and Brackett walk next to dog]

Brackett: It's still warm.

Loomis: He got hungry.

Laurie: [sees Annie wearing a shirt because her clothes are in the laundry] Oh, fancy!

Annie: This has not been my night. I spilled butter all over my clothes, they're in the wash. I got stuck in the laundry room...

Laurie: Listen, I want you to call Ben Tramer and tell him you were just fooling around.

Annie: I can't.

Laurie: Yes, you can.

Annie: No, I can't. He went drinking with Mike Godfrey and won't be home until late. You'll have to call him tomorrow. Besides, I'm on my way to pick up Paul.

Laurie: Wait a minute...

Annie: If you watch her, I'll consider talking to Ben Tramer in the morning. Deal?

Laurie: Deal.

[to herself after Annie leaves]

Laurie: The old Girl Scout comes through again.

Tommy: What about the jack-o-lantern?

Laurie: After the movie.

Tommy: What about my comics?

Laurie: After the jack-o-lantern.

Tommy: What about the boogeyman?

Laurie: There's no such thing.

Laurie: [Tommy's scared of the boogeyman] We're getting nowhere. Look, the boogeyman can only come out on Halloween, right? Well, I'm here; I'm not about to let anything happen to you.

Tommy: Promise?

Laurie: Promise.

Tommy: Laurie, what's the boogeyman?

Laurie: There's no such thing.

Lynda: Now, when we get inside, Annie will distract Lindsey and we go upstairs to the first bedroom on the right. Got it?

Bob: First, I rip your clothes off...

Lynda: Don't rip my blouse. It's expensive, you idiot!

Bob: Then I rip my clothes off, then I rip Lindsey's clothes off. Yeah, I think I got it.

Lynda: It's totally insane. We have three new cheers to learn in the morning, the game is in the afternoon, I have to get my hair done at five, and the dance is at eight! I'll be totally wiped out!

Laurie: [sarcastically] I don't think you have enough to do tomorrow.

Lynda: Totally!

Tommy: But I saw the boogeyman! I saw him!

Laurie: Okay, what did he look like?

Tommy: Umm... the boogeyman!

Lynda: You want a beer?

Bob: Yeah.

Lynda: Is that all you can say?

Bob: Yeah.

Lynda: Go get me a beer!

Bob: I thought you were gonna get me one?

Lynda: Yeah?

Bob: I'll be right back. Don't get dressed!

Laurie: [in the Wallace house, and noises are coming from upstairs] All right you meatheads, joke's over.


Laurie: Come on, Annie. That's enough.

[more silence]

Laurie: It's most definitely stopped being funny, now cut it out! You'll be sorry.

Loomis: Stop here.

Marion: Shouldn't we go on up to the hospital and...

Loomis: Wait!

Richie: How is our witch?

Boy: Yeah, our pumpkin?

Tommy Doyle: Leave me alone!

The boys: He's gonna get you, He's gonna get you, He's gonna get you, He's gonna get you!

Richie: Boogeyman is coming!

Tommy Doyle: Leave me alone!

Boy: He doesn't believe us.

Richie: Don't you know what happens on Halloween?

Tommy Doyle: Yeah. We get candies.

The boys: [laugh] Boogeyman, boogeyman, boogeyman!

Graveyard Keeper: Yeah, you know every town has something like this happen... I remember over in Russellville, old Charlie Bowles, about fifteen years ago... One night, he finished dinner, and he excused himself from the table. He went out to the garage, and got himself a hacksaw. Then he went back into the house, kissed his wife and his two children goodbye, and then he proceeded to...

Loomis: Where are we?

Graveyard Keeper: Eh? Oh, it's, uh, right over here...

Loomis: [from a television scene] You've fooled them, haven't you Michael?

Loomis: [slight pause, Michael just stares out the window] But not me.

Older Doctor: [Deleted Scene] Reading from decision of Judge Walter Ward: "I have no choice but to remand Michael Audrey Myers to the Smith's Grove Warren County Sanitarium where he shall be placed in the care of a resident psychiatrist who shall report to this court no less than twice a year, further Michael Audrey Myers shall be brought before the court on the day of his 21st birthday where he shall be tried as an adult for the murder of his sister Judith Margot Myers"

[finishes reading]

Older Doctor: Dr. Loomis

Loomis: Michael Myers must be removed from this sanitarium immediately, I would suggest the maximum security ward at Litchfield.

Younger Doctor: Dr. Loomis, the decision has been made.

Loomis: But this is a minimum-security institution. The staff isn't adequately prepared.

Older Doctor: Prepared for what? The boy is a catatonic, he exhibits comatose behavior, no reaction to external stimuli.

Loomis: Have you read my notes?

Older Doctor: Yes, we have Doctor.

Loomis: Why were they not presented at the hearing?

Younger Doctor: The Judge requested Dr. Foster's analysis.

Loomis: I've spent four hours a day... . four hours a day with this boy. Every day for six months. Far longer than any court psychiatrist.

Older Doctor: Dr. Loomis...

Loomis: [talking over] Michael Myers is the most dangerous patient I have ever observed.

Younger Doctor: Doctor, there is no diagnostic evidence to support that statement.

Loomis: He's... he's covering up. This catatonia is a conscious act. There's an instinctive force within him. He's waiting.

Younger Doctor: For what?

Loomis: I don't know.

Older Doctor: We can make a special recommendation to the court only if we feel there is a justifiable reason to change the patient's treatment. I can see no reason why he shouldn't remain here. We have adequate facilities for his care.

Loomis: There is insufficient security here. Please, I am begging you to reconsider your decision.

Younger Doctor: Dr. Loomis.. perhaps you should reconsider keeping him as your patient, we can find someone else to look after him.

Loomis: [wising up] I'll stay with him.

Older Doctor: Now is there anything else you wish to say, Doctor Loomis?

Loomis: [leaves the hearing room; walks to Michael's room where he's sitting on a chair staring out the window] You fooled them haven't you Michael

[Michael doesn't respond causing Loomis to grin]

Loomis: but not me.

Psychiatric Doctor #1: [Deleted Scene from Alternated T.V. Version; May 1, 1964] Reading from the decision of Judge Walter Ward: "I have no choice, but to remand Michael Audrey Myers to the Smith's Grove Warren County Sanitarium, where he shall be placed in the care of a resident psychiatrist, who shall report to this court no less than twice a year. Further, Michael Audrey Myers shall be brought to the court on the day of his 21st birthday, where he shall be tried as an adult for the murder of his sister, Judith Margaret Myers". Dr. Loomis?

Loomis: Michael Myers must be removed from this sanitarium immediately. I suggest the maximum security ward at Lidgefield.

Psychiatric Doctor #2: Dr. Loomis, the decision has been made.

Loomis: But this is a minimum security institution. The staff isn't adequately prepared.

Psychiatric Doctor #1: Prepared for what? The boy is a catatonic, he exhibits comatose behavior, no reaction to external stimuli.

Loomis: Have you read my notes?

Psychiatric Doctor #1: Yes, we have, Doctor.

Loomis: Why were they not presented at the hearing?

Psychiatric Doctor #2: The Judge requested Dr. Foster's analysis.

Loomis: I've spent 4 hours a day... 4 hours a day with this boy, everyday, for 6 months... far longer than any court psychiatrist.

Psychiatric Doctor #1: Dr. Loomis-...

Loomis: - -Michael Myers is the most dangerous patient I have ever observed.

Psychiatric Doctor #2: Doctor, there is no diagnostic evidence to support that statement.

Loomis: He's, he's covering up. This catatonia is, is a conscious act. There's an instinctive force within him. He's waiting.

Psychiatric Doctor #2: For what?

Loomis: I don't know.

Psychiatric Doctor #1: [after a long pause] We can make a special recommendation to the court only if we feel there is a justifiable reason to change the patient's treatment. I can see no reason why he shouldn't remain here. We have adequate facilities for his care.

Loomis: There is insufficient security here. Please, I am begging you to reconsider your decision.

Psychiatric Doctor #2: Dr. Loomis, perhaps you should reconsider keeping him as your patient. We can find someone else to look after him.

Loomis: I'll stay with him.

Psychiatric Doctor #1: Now, is there anything else you wish to say, Dr. Loomis?

Loomis: [Walks out of the room, angry, without saying another word; He then makes his way down the hall to Michael's cell; He enters Michael's cell, only to find Michael sitting in a chair, looking out the window in a catatonic state] You fooled them, haven't you, Michael?

[No response from Michael]

Loomis: But not me.

Laurie: [Deleted Scene from Alternate T.V. Version; Laurie is coming the down the stairs in her bathrobe and towel wrapped around her head, as the doorbell rings; She answers the door to find Lynda] Hi.

Lynda: [Hurrying inside] Hurry up, hurry up!

Laurie: What's wrong?

Lynda: Shut the door! Shut the door!

[Laurie shuts the door, and as they look out the window]

Lynda: Some guy is following me.

Laurie: You sure?

Lynda: Yeah, I'm sure. I think it's the guy that passed us in the street in that station wagon. I couldn't see him very well, but I think it's Steve Todd. His brother has a Station Wagon.

Laurie: [Still looking out the window] You know, he was parked outside the school today. Right outside the window, he was starring at me.

Lynda: Steve Todd was starring at you?

Laurie: Somebody was. A while ago, he was in my backyard.

Lynda: Well, maybe he just wants a date.

Lynda: Or shut up!

Lynda: Well, someone could want a date.

Laurie: [Suspicious of Lynda wanting to borrow something] So, what do you want?

Lynda: Oh, Laurie, I totally have nothing to wear tonight. I was kind of hoping that you'd lend me that silk blouse that you got on your birthday.

Laurie: I haven't even worn it yet.

Lynda: I know, but I promise I won't spill anything on it or tear it or, or rip it or do any of those things.

[Laurie looks out the window again, a little worried about the man following the girls]

Lynda: Laurie, stop worrying! It was Steve Todd.

[the phone rings, with Laurie still on a little edge]

Lynda: Well, answer it, it's just the phone.

Laurie: [Laurie goes to answer the phone] Hello?

Lynda: [Whispering] Who is it?

Annie: [Annie on the other end of the phone line] Laurie, I have to ask a big favor. I can't find anything to wear.

Laurie: [Covering the phone with her hand to tell Lynda] Annie. She wants to borrow something.

Lynda: You promised!

Laurie: [Softly] No, I didn't.

[Back to Annie on the phone]

Laurie: Hi. Lynda's here, she wants to borrow my new blouse.

Annie: Lynda's a creep.

[Lynda, having heard Annie's response, looks surprised]

Annie: Is that guy still creeping around your backyard?

Laurie: He followed Lynda over here.

Annie: Well, if you see him, just go right up to him and tell him to buzz off... or if he's cute, ask him out.

Laurie: Annie, I gotta go. You gonna pick me up?

Annie: Right after Dinner. Hey, how about that ski sweater you got for Christmas?

Laurie: [Holding the phone away, but still close enough to speak] Bye.

Lynda: [Laurie holds the phone to Lynda] Bye, creep!

[Laurie and Lynda laugh]

Annie: See ya.

[They each hang up their phones; Annie takes another look at her wardrobe]

Annie: Yuck.

Lynda: Where's the blouse?

Laurie: It's in my closet.

Lynda: I'll get it.

[She happily runs over to the stairs and begins to ascend the staircase]

Laurie: Promise me you won't rip it!

Lynda: I totally promise.

[She runs on upstairs]

Laurie: I totally don't believe.

[She gets up from the couch and heads back over to the window, singing her favorite song]

Laurie: "I wish I had you all alone, just the two of us. I'll hold you close to me, so close to me, just the two of us. So close to me".

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