Recorded on 11/04/2021
In this podcast episode we review the Western Horror movie Bone Tomahawk (Released 2015) starring Kurt Russell, Patrick Wilson, Matthew Fox, Lili Simmons and Richard Jenkins. WARNING: There will be SPOILERS.
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Countries: United States, United KingdomLanguages: EnglishBudget: $1,800,000 (estimated)
Sheriff Franklin Hunt: Say goodbye to my wife. I'll say hello to yours.
John Brooder: Smart men don't get married.
Chicory: That tea smells gruesome.
Sheriff Franklin Hunt: It's soup.
Chicory: Oh. You think I can have some?
Chicory: You know, I know the world's supposed to be round, but I'm not so sure about this part.
Sheriff Franklin Hunt: Pain is how your body talks to you. You'd do well to listen to it.
John Brooder: I'm far too vain to ever live as a cripple.
Chicory: Mr. Brooder just educated two Mexicans on the meaning of Manifest Destiny.
Samantha: This is why frontier life is so difficult. Not because of the Indians or the elements but because of the idiots.
Buddy: This is not the time for womanly imaginings.
Chicory: Gotta taste better than people!
John Brooder: I Should Go With You, Since I'm Most Experienced With Killing Indians
[brief pause]
John Brooder: That's Not A Boast
John Brooder: That's A Fact!
The Professor: They Don't Eat Negros
Chicory: What/Why Are They Poisonous?