- You'll float too. In this podcast we review Stephen King’s movie adaptation IT starring Jaeden Lieberher, Bill Skarsgård, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Sophia Lillis, Finn Wolfhard, Wyatt Oleff, Chosen Jacobs, Jack Dylan Grazer, Nicholas Hamilton, Jackson Robert Scott and directed by Andy Muschietti. WARNING: There will be SPOILERS!
The 3 Guys Podcast
Recorded on 10/13/2022
You’ll float too. In this podcast we review Stephen King’s movie adaptation It starring Jaeden Lieberher, Bill SkarsgÃ¥rd, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Sophia Lillis, Finn Wolfhard, Wyatt Oleff, Chosen Jacobs, Jack Dylan Grazer, Nicholas Hamilton, Jackson Robert Scott and directed by Andy Muschietti. WARNING: There will be SPOILERS!
The 3 Guys Rating
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Countries: United States, CanadaLanguages: English, HebrewBudget: $35,000,000 (estimated)
Note: All images are property of their respected owners and used for editorial purposes.
Richie Tozier: I hear the list is longer than my wang.
Stanley Uris: That's not saying much.
Richie Tozier: Hey Eddie, are these your birth control pills?
Eddie Kaspbrak: Yeah, I'm saving them for your sister!
Ben Hanscom: Derry started as a beaver trapping camp.
Richie Tozier: Still is! Am I right, boys?
Richie Tozier: Doesn't smell like caca to me, senor.
Eddie Kaspbrak: They're gazebos! They're bullshit!
Richie Tozier: Go blow your dad, you mullet wearing asshole!
Ben Hanscom: I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too.
Beverly Marsh: Because I want to run *towards* something, not away.
Richie Tozier: I'm sorry, but who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?
Pennywise: Hi Georgie!
Pennywise: What a nice boat. Do you want it back?
Georgie: Um... Yes, please.
Pennywise: You look like a nice boy, I bet you have a lot of friends.
Georgie: Three... but my brother is my best's best.
Pennywise: Where is he?
Georgie: In bed. Sick.
Pennywise: I bet I can cheer him up! I'll give him a balloon. Do you want a balloon too, Georgie?
Georgie: I'm not supposed to take stuff from strangers.
Pennywise: Oh! Well, I'm Pennywise, the dancing clown. "Pennywise?". "Yes?", "Meet Georgie". "Georgie, meet Pennywise".
[Georgie laughs]
Pennywise: Now we aren't strangers. Are we?
Georgie: What are you doing in the sewer?
Pennywise: A storm blew me away. Blew the whole circus away.
Pennywise: Can you smell the circus, Georgie? There's peanuts... cotton candy... hot dogs... and...
Georgie: Popcorn?
Pennywise: POPCORN! Is that your favorite?
Georgie: Uh-huh.
Pennywise: Mine too!
Pennywise: Because they pop! Pop, pop! Pop, pop! Pop, pop, pop!
[both laugh]
Pennywise: [pause]
Georgie: Um... I should get going, now.
Pennywise: Oh! Without your boat? You don't wanna lose it Georgie. Bill's gonna kill you! Here. Take it.
Pennywise: Take it, Georgie.
Stanley Uris: When you're a kid, you think that you'll always be... protected, and cared for. Then, one day, you realize that's not true. If you open your eyes, you will see what we're going through. 'Cause when you're alone as a kid, the monsters see you as weaker. You don't even know they're getting closer. Until it's too late.
Pennywise: Beep Beep Richie!
Mike Hanlon: Bill!
Beverly Marsh: Let him go!
Pennywise: NO! I'll take him! I'll take all of you! I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear... Or... you'll just leave us be... I will take him. Only him, and I will have my long rest and you will all live to grow and thrive and lead *happy* lives, until old age takes you back to the weeds.
Bill Denbrough: Leave!
Richie Tozier: Welcome to the Loser's Club, asshole!
Richie Tozier: Eddie!
Richie Tozier: Oh, fuck! Eddie!
Pennywise: [to Bill] This isn't real enough for you, Billy? *I'm not real enough for you?*
Richie Tozier: Holy shit!
Pennywise: It was real enough for Georgie!
[laughs maniacally]
Stanley Uris: [Bill holds up a sneaker he found in the sewer] Shit... don't tell me that's...
Bill Denbrough: No... Georgie wore galoshes.
Eddie Kaspbrak: Whose sneaker is it?
Richie Tozier: It's Betty Ripsom's.
Eddie Kaspbrak: Oh shit. Oh god. Oh fuck! I don't like this.
Richie Tozier: How do you think Betty feels? Running around these tunnels with only one frickin shoe?
Richie Tozier: Look at this motherfucker! He's leaking Hamburger Helper!
Beverly Marsh: I need to show you something.
Richie Tozier: More than we saw at the quarry?
Richie Tozier: I'm glad I met you before you died.
Richie Tozier: Rock war!
Ben Hanscom: Derry is not like any town I've been in before. They did a study once and, it turns out, people die or disappear at six times the national average. And that's just grown ups. Kids are worse. Way, way worse.
Ben Hanscom: Your hair is winter fire/January embers/My heart burns there, too.
Richie Tozier: Wait, can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?
Pennywise: [Last word spoken] Fear.
Pennywise: Where you going, Eds? If you lived here you'd be home by now! Come join the clown, Eds. You'll float down here. We all float down here. Yes, we do!
Pennywise: [to Eddie] Time to float.
Bill Denbrough: He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
Officer Bowers: Ain't nothing like a little fear to make a paper man crumble.
Bill Denbrough: We like hanging with you.
Beverly Marsh: [smiling] Thanks.
Bill Denbrough: You shouldn't thank us too much, hanging with us makes you a loser, too.
Beverly Marsh: [Walking away from Ben] Hang tough, new kid on the block!
Ben Hanscom: [shouting after Bev] Please don't go girl! That's the name of another...
[to himself]
Ben Hanscom: New Kids On The Block song.
Stanley Uris: It's summer! We're supposed to be having fun! This isn't fun, it's scary and disgusting.
Bill Denbrough: Look, you don't have to come in with me, but what happens when another Georgie goes missing, or another Betty, or another Ed Corcoran, or... one of us? Are you just gonna pretend it isn't happening like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals... but he isn't. So, walking into this house, for me, it's easier than walking into my own.
Beverly Marsh: I want to run towards something, not away.
[repeated line]
Eddie Kaspbrak: My mom's gonna kill me.
Pennywise: This isn't real enough for you, Billy? I'm not real enough for you? It was real enough for Georgie!
Eddie Kaspbrak: Okay, so let me get this straight. It comes out, from wherever, to eat kids for, like, a year, and then what? It just goes into hibernation?
Stanley Uris: Maybe it's like, what do you call it - cicadas. You know, the bugs that come out once every seventeen years?
Bill Denbrough: If we stick together, all of us. We'll win.
Bill Denbrough: All right. There you go - sh-she-she's all ready, captain.
Georgie Denbrough: She?
Bill Denbrough: You always call b-b-boats she.
Georgie Denbrough: She. Thanks, Billy.
Pennywise: Egg boy.
Beverly Marsh: [beating at Pennywise's hands around her beck] I'm not afraid of you!
Pennywise: You will be.
[first lines]
Georgie Denbrough: Sure I will not get into trouble, Bill?
Bill Denbrough: Don't be a wu-wu-wuss. I'd come with you if I weren't... dying.
Georgie Denbrough: You're not dying!
Bill Denbrough: You didn't see the v-v-vomit coming out of my nose this morning?
Georgie Denbrough: That's disgusting.
Bill Denbrough: Ok, go get the wax.
Georgie Denbrough: In the cellar?
Bill Denbrough: You want to fl-fl-float, dont' you?
Pennywise: [Giving Georgie back his paper boat] Here, take it.
Eddie Kaspbrak: I think it's great we're helping the new kid, but we also need to think of our own safety. I mean, he's bleeding all over and you guys know that there's an AIDS epidemic out there right now, as we speak, right? I mean, my mom's friend in New York City got it just by touching a dirty pole in the subway and enough of AIDS blood got into his system from a hangnail. A hangnail!
Pennywise: Tasty, tasty, beautiful fear.
Mrs. Starret: A boy should be spending his summer outside with friends. Don't you have any friends?
Ben Hanscom: Can I have the book now?
Eddie Kaspbrak: There's a kid outside looks like someone killed him.
Stanley Uris: What's the Black Spot?
Eddie Kaspbrak: The Black Spot was a night club that was burned down years ago by that racist cult.
Stanley Uris: What?
Eddie Kaspbrak: Don't you watch Geraldo?
Richie Tozier: Jesus, we can get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries.
Beverly Marsh: It wants to divide us!
Pennywise: There is more... fear.
Richie Tozier: Hey, I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor and imagining that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween.
Eddie Kaspbrak: My mom will have an aneurysm, okay, if she finds out we're playing down here, I'm serious.
Mike Hanlon: My grandfather thinks this town is cursed. That all the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing... an evil thing.
Eddie Kaspbrak: -puffs- Have you ever heard of a staph infection?
Richie Tozier: OH i'll show you a staph infection!
Mike Hanlon: [after the rock fight with Bowers] Thanks, guys, but you shouldn't have done that. He'll be after you guys too now.
Eddie Kaspbrak: Oh, no, no, Bowers? He's always after us.
Bill Denbrough: Yeah. I guess that's one thing w-w-we all have in common.
Richie Tozier: Yeah, Homeschool - welcome to the Losers' Club!
Belch Huggins: [to Beverly] FUCK YOU, BITCH!
[Belch gets hit in the face with a rock by Beverly]
Gretta: Placebo means bullshit.
Leroy Hanlon: There are two places you can be in this world. You can be out here, like us
[gesturing toward the farmhands]
Leroy Hanlon: , or you can be in there, like them
[gesturing toward the sheep]
Leroy Hanlon: . You waste time hemming and hawing and someone else is gonna make that choice for you. Except you won't know it, until you feel that bolt between *your* eyes.
Richie Tozier: [referring to Henry Bowers] I wish *he'd* go missing.
Eddie Kaspbrak: He's probably the one doing it.
Richie Tozier: I'm sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald?
Hostess: Toilet and Bath water travel down the drains, and into the sewers. The sewer is a fun place to play, with all of your friends.Just follow the water down the drain, and into the sewer you go.When you're in the sewer with your friends, you can be as silly as a clown!
Hobo: Do you think this will help me, Eddie?
Mr. Marsh: I worry about you, Bevvie.
Eddie Kaspbrak: [puffs] Have you ever heard of a staph infection?
Richie Tozier: OH I'll show you a staph infection!
Richie Tozier: [On discovering the well in the basement of the Neibolt Street house] Hey Eddie, got a quarter?
Eddie Kaspbrak: I don't wanna make a wish in that fuckin thing,
Henry Bowers: My knife! My old man will kill me!
Beverly Marsh: Just so you know, I never felt like a loser when I was with all of you.
Georgie: [Pennywise is in the form of Georgie] I love you, Billy!
Bill Denbrough: I love you too, but you're not Georgie
[Bill then shoots 'Georgie' with Mikes bolt gun]
Richie Tozier: You punched me, made me walk through shitty water, dragged me through a crackhouse... and now I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown.
Bill Denbrough: Georgie...
Georgie Denbrough: [sobbing] What took you so long?
Bill Denbrough: I... I was looking for you this whole time.
Georgie Denbrough: [sobbing] I couldn't find my way outta here.