Movie Quiz: The Greatest Showman

The Greatest Showman starring Hugh Jackman

The Greatest Showman

A quiz based on the movie The Greatest Showman

1 / 11

In what city was Barnum's American Museum located?

2 / 11

In the film "The Greatest Showman' who provided Lind's voice?

3 / 11

Who is the first performer that Barnum recruits for his circus?

4 / 11

What are the names of P.T. Barnum's kids?

5 / 11

What is the name of the song that Zac Efron and Zendaya perform together in the movie?

6 / 11

What is the name of the song, nominated for an Oscar, that Keala Settle sings as Lettie Lutz?

7 / 11

What is the name of the woman that Phillip falls in love with in the movie?

8 / 11

What is the name of the song that opens the movie?

9 / 11

What does P.T. Barnum give the bank as collateral?

10 / 11

What was Jenny Lind’s nickname in the press?

11 / 11

What is the name of the circus that P.T. Barnum creates?

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