Movie Quiz: Summer School

Summer School Movie Starring Mark Harmon, Kirstie Alley, Robin Thomas, Patrick Laborteaux, Courtney Thorne-Smith

Summer School

A quiz based on the movie Summer School

1 / 14

What class does Shoop teach over the summer (be specific)?

2 / 14

What color is Chainsaw’s cap?

3 / 14

What is the name of the High School?

4 / 14

During the exam, what was the first section the students had to complete in 20 minutes?

5 / 14

Who is in love with Mr. Shoop?

6 / 14

How much does Mr. Dearadorian win via scratch off tickets?

7 / 14

Where were Shoops keys the first time they were hidden in his classroom?

8 / 14

What company does Denise write her complaint letter to?

9 / 14

Where does Anna-Maria come from?

10 / 14

What is Chainsaw’s real first name?

11 / 14

Who got the best grade?

12 / 14

Who is always sleeping during class?

13 / 14

What score did Jerome get on his test?

14 / 14

In which room is the summer school?

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