3 Guys and a Flick – Movie Reviews 197: Podcast 197: The Hunt for Red October

Join us as Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin lead a tense and thrilling journey beneath the sea in The Hunt for Red October. In this episode, the Three Guys dive deep into the cold waters of Cold War-era Soviet intrigue and United States naval prowess to figure out whether Connery’s Captain Marko Ramius is set to start World War III or defect for freedom. As the Soviet fleet mobilizes to confront Ramius aboard the groundbreaking Red October, CIA analyst Jack Ryan races against time, using all his cunning to decrypt Ramius’ true intentions.

Rediscover the remarkable performances, riveting cat-and-mouse tensions, and camaraderie both above and below the surface with Three Guys and a Flick. Along with exploring the story’s impressive cast and nail-biting suspense, they also bring humor and insightful commentary, ensuring that film buffs get the full experience of this suspenseful treasure.