Podcast 30: A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

Recorded on 10/7/2021

For the month of October, we’re reviewing 2 Horror themed movies each week in each episode.  In this podcast we review 1984’s “A Nightmare on Elm Street” VERSUS the 2010 Remake.  WARNING: There will be SPOILERS.

The 3 Guys Podcast

Podcast Show Notes

The 3 Guys Rating


Photos From The Movie

About The Movie From IMDB

A Nightmare on Elm Street Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery | 95min | April 30, 2010 (United States) 5.2
Director: Samuel BayerWriter: Wesley Strick, Eric Heisserer, Wes CravenStars: Jackie Earle Haley, Rooney Mara, Kyle GallnerSummary: Death stalks the dreams of several young adults to claim its revenge on the killing of Freddy Kruger. Chased and chastised by this finger-bladed demon, it is the awakening of old memories and the denials of a past of retribution that spurns this hellish vision of a dreamlike state and turns death into a nightmare reality. —Cinema_Fan


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Freddy Krueger
Nancy Holbrook
Quentin Smith
Kris Fowles
Jesse Braun
Dean Russell
Alan Smith
Dr. Gwen Holbrook
Nora Fowles
Little Kris
Jesse's Father
Creepy Girl #1
Creepy Girl #2
Creepy Girl #3
History Teacher
Dean's Father
Little Nancy
Little Jesse

See full cast >>

Countries: United StatesLanguages: EnglishBudget: $35,000,000 (estimated)

Quotes From The Movie

A Nightmare on Elm Street 95min | Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery | April 30, 2010 (United States) Summary: The spectre of a disfigured man haunts the children of the parents who murdered him, stalking and killing them in their dreams.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English


Freddy Krueger: Why are you screaming?


Freddy Krueger: I haven't even cut you yet!


Freddy Krueger: [Nancy falls into a pool of blood] How's this for a wet dream?

Freddy Krueger: [to Jesse] Did you know that after the heart stops beating, the brain can function for well over seven minutes?


Freddy Krueger: We got six more minutes to play.

Freddy Krueger: [Kris finds her dog mangled] I was just petting him.


Quentin Smith: We were wrong. He's not after us because we lied. He's after us because we told the truth.

Nancy Holbrook: He brought us here so we could remember what he did to us.

Freddy Krueger: [Nancy is screaming] Oh, that's music to my ears.

Nancy Holbrook: [struggling] I wanna wake up!

Freddy Krueger: You can't wake up. I had to keep you awake long enough so when you finally slept, you'd never wake up again. We're gonna be in here a long time. Did you really think your boyfriend could wake you up?

[puts claw on chest]

Freddy Krueger: I'm your boyfriend now.

Jesse Braun: [as he finds himself asleep and dreaming] Oh, God!

Freddy Krueger: No. Just me...

Alan Smith: You open this door, Krueger!

Freddy Krueger: What do you think I did? I didn't do anything!

Freddy Krueger: Wake up! You're bleeding.

Freddy Krueger: Your mouth says no...

[moving his claw up Nancy's leg]

Freddy Krueger: But your body says yes...

Quentin Smith: Look, if you really wanna talk, how come over the last couple of years, whenever I've invited you out, you've just never shown up?

Nancy Holbrook: I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't exactly fit in.

Quentin Smith: Ok, look. If we survive the next 24 hours, then I'll take you out on a real date.

Nancy Holbrook: And what if I say no?

Quentin Smith: Why don't you sleep on it?

Dean Russell: I *can* sleep... I just don't want to.

Jesse Braun: Just don't fall asleep. If you die in your dreams, you die for real.

Marcus Yeon: [In video] I'm starting to dream with my eyes open. I can't tell what's real anymore. I haven't slept in three days. If I sleep, I dream. If I dream, I'm dead.

Freddy Krueger: Little Nancy. Now that you caught me, what game do you wanna play next?

Nancy Holbrook: Fuck you!

Freddy Krueger: Ooh, sounds like fun. It's a little fast for me. How about we hang, first?

[Freddy grabs Nancy and makes her turn to face the bodies of her friends]

Nancy Holbrook: No. It's not real.

Freddy Krueger: It's real. I'm real.

Quentin Smith: Look, we're running out of time.

Nancy Holbrook: What do you mean?

Quentin Smith: [Reading a book] But then it says at the 70-hour mark the insomniac will begin to experience micro-naps. "His brain will begin to shut down its functions for several seconds in an attempt to recharge itself." Which basically means you're dreaming, but you don't know it. Like, even if you're awake. And then it says that after that, your brain will shut down, inducing a coma. Which is permanent sleep.

Quentin Smith: [Storms into his father's office] You killed Kruger.

Alan Smith: Where'd you here that name?

Quentin Smith: You chased him, you cornered him and you burned him to death. You hunted him!

Alan Smith: We were not hunting. We were protecting you.

Quentin Smith: [shouting] From what?

Alan Smith: From *him*. From what he did to you. From what you kids said he did to you.

Quentin Smith: [shouting] We were five! We would've said anything! Why didn't you do to the police?

Alan Smith: You were so young.

Quentin Smith: [Whipspers to himself] No. God! And the things we said he did. The cave. Did you ever find it?

Alan Smith: No.

Quentin Smith: How do you know that he was guilty?

[His father looks uncertain]

Nancy Holbrook: Oh, my god!

Quentin Smith: You killed an innocent man!

Alan Smith: Mm-mm. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about that night, Quentin.

Quentin Smith: Good, you deserve at least that.

Alan Smith: Quentin, when you grow up and you have kids, I hope you never know the feeling of utterly failing to protect them.

Resident: I'm gonna give you a little something for the pain. It'll put you right out.

Nancy Holbrook: No, mom, I don't want it. I don't want it, mom, I don't want it.

Dr. Gwen Holbrook: Shh, it's okay. It's okay.

Nancy Holbrook: No, mom, no. I don't want it. I don't want it. Don't let her do it.

Resident: This might sting a bit.

[Her hand becomes Freddy's glove]

Nancy Holbrook: [Shrieks] NO!

Freddy Krueger: Nice try, Nancy. Now let me take a stab.

Nancy Holbrook: Hey, Quentin. Nightmare's over.

Freddy Krueger: You really shouldn't fall asleep in class.

[scratches chalkboard]

Freddy Krueger: Hi, Kris.

Kris Fowles: [backing away from Krueger] Who are you?

Freddy Krueger: [walking towards Fowles] You look just as beautiful as ever.

[raises his glove]

Freddy Krueger: You have nothing to worry about. This wont hurt one... little... bit.

Freddy Krueger: [to Quentin, who he's beat against a pipe, cut down his chest, thrown against a mirror, and punched in the face] Now why don't you just fucking *die*?

Kris Fowles: I'm having these dreams... and there's this man... and he's burned

Nancy Holbrook: [off screen] Krueger!

Freddy Krueger: [to Quentin] Your girlfriend's here. Be right back.

Freddy Krueger: [to a young Nancy] If you can keep a secret, I'll take you to a special place.

Quentin Smith: Fuck! What does he want from us? He's never gonna stop!

Quentin Smith: [Places his cross necklace around her neck] You gotta believe in something, right?

[They kiss]

Quentin Smith: I'm gonna be here when you wake up. You're gonna make it.

Quentin Smith: Don't you ever get tired of working here every weekend?

Nancy Holbrook: Don't you ever get tired of coming here every weekend?

[Quentin smiles]

Dr. Gwen Holbrook: [On the phone with another parent] Nancy's starting to remember.

Quentin Smith: [On the phone] Nancy, he got to him. Jesse's dead. He died in his sleep.

Alan Smith: [Throws the lit gas tank through the window] This is for my son!

[first lines]

Dean Russell: Can I have another? Hey. Can I have some more coffee, please?

Freddy Krueger: Little Nancy. All grown up.

Nancy Holbrook: [backing up] You're just a nightmare.

Freddy Krueger: [moving closer to Thompson] That's right. No one can ever prove I was ever here.

Nancy Holbrook: Who are you?

Freddy Krueger: You don't remember? You must. You're my number one. You're my... little Nancy.

[licks Thompson's cheek]

Nancy Holbrook: [moves face away] I set the alarm.

Freddy Krueger: Yes, you did. In your dream.

[sinister laugh; holds Thompson's hand in his clawed one; sniffs her hair]

Freddy Krueger: You smell different.

Freddy Krueger: [to Nancy] You can't hurt me. This is my world. And you can't ever leave.

Nancy Holbrook: [after Quentin storms out of his father's office] Quentin! Quentin, wait!

[Quentin punches the lockers]

Nancy Holbrook: Wait!

Quentin Smith: WHAT?

Nancy Holbrook: Slow down!

[Nancy grabs his arm]

Nancy Holbrook: Stop!

Quentin Smith: We got him killed. Our stories... Our lies.

Nancy Holbrook: What if we can make him stop?

Quentin Smith: What if we can't?

Quentin Smith: [after realizing he fell asleep when he was supposed to stay awake] Oh, shit.

Freddy Krueger: [while slamming Quentin's face into a pipe] You can't save her.

[Turns him around]

Freddy Krueger: Tag. You're it.

[Makes a slash across his chest]

Alan Smith: [to Nancy] You listen to me. As far as everyone around here is concerned, Fred Kruger never existed.

Kris Fowles: [sees picture on Dean's grave] You knew Dean that far back?

Kris Fowles: Jesus, that is me. But I don't know how I'm in that picture. I didn't meet Dean until high school.

Freddy Krueger: Remember me?

Quentin Smith: You can't just take that. You have no idea what it's gonna do to you.

Quentin Smith: You know what? That is kind of the least of my concerns right now, so, do you want some?

Nancy Holbrook: No.

[Quentin sticks himself in the leg]

Nancy Holbrook: He brought us here so that we would remember what he did to us.

Quentin Smith: [Slams his hands against the bed he's sitting on] *Fuck!*

Nora Fowles: Who can remember being five years old?

Nancy Holbrook: [Sees a book in their pile] What's this one doing here?

Quentin Smith: It's The Pied Piper of Hamelin. I saw it in one of my dreams. It's about a guy who's betrayed by a town and gets his revenge by taking away their children.

Nancy Holbrook: I keep dreaming about children, too. And then there's also a school.

Quentin Smith: Well, it's gotta mean something.

Nancy Holbrook: Yeah, but, I mean, what? We didn't go to school together until, like, 6th grade.

Nancy Holbrook: Memories don't kill you.

Quentin Smith: [Trying desperately to shake Nancy awake] Wake up, Nancy, wake up. Nancy, please. Please don't do this please. Nancy, come back. Please wake up. You promised.

Quentin Smith: [after injecting adrenaline] Whoa.

Quentin Smith: I don't know what's real anymore.

Nancy Holbrook: [Quentin has found pictures] What are those? What are those pictures of?

Quentin Smith: They're all of you.

Quentin Smith: Nancy, I can't let you go to sleep, you're not gonna wake up.

Nancy Holbrook: I know you won't let that happen.

Kris Fowles: Wow. You look like you haven't...

Dean Russell: Like I haven't slept in three days?

Kris Fowles: Dean, what's going on?

Quentin Smith: I know what happened to Freddy.

Kris Fowles: Dean said something right before he died...

Jesse Braun: Oh, please don't...

Kris Fowles: He said, "You're not real." He kept repeating it over and over again. Do you have any idea what that means?

Jesse Braun: No. I don't. Think about. What would it mean? Dean was on a truck load of medication when...

Kris Fowles: Jesse, when it happened, it was like somebody was making him do it but there was nobody there. Jesse, you have to believe me!

Jesse Braun: Kris, it was late and you were scared! Your mind was just playing tricks on you that's all...

Nancy Holbrook: [approaches Kris] I believe you.

Kris Fowles: You do?

Nancy Holbrook: I've seen, I saw...

Jesse Braun: You didn't see anything. You weren't there. Kris was. She's already fucked up, so leave her alone!

Nancy Holbrook: [Kris and Jesse leave] You have no idea what I've seen...

Jesse Braun: What do you want from me?

Freddy Krueger: Hmm!

[Freddy aggressively approaches him]

Freddy Krueger: I don't know, Jesse!

[points knife at Braun]

Freddy Krueger: You think you can turn back time?


Freddy Krueger: [gets in Braun's face]

Freddy Krueger: ANSWER ME!

Jesse Braun: NO!

Freddy Krueger: Do you think you can bring the dead back to life?

Jesse Braun: NO!

Freddy Krueger: No?


Freddy Krueger: I didn't fucking think so!

Jesse Braun: That's his mark isn't it? Freddy.

Nancy Holbrook: [Cuts off Freddy's hand] It hurts now, doesn't it? That because you're in my world now, bitch!

Nancy Holbrook: Can I get you guys anything else?

Quentin Smith: Uh, no. I think we're good. If we could just get the check.

Jesse Braun: Is that the only thing you wanna ask her, Quentin?

[Nancy leaves]

Quentin Smith: Asshole.

Nancy Holbrook: [Sees his cross necklace] I didn't take you for the religious type.

Quentin Smith: [Hides it] Yeah, well, you gotta believe in something, you know?

Dr. Gwen Holbrook: [Voice-over] There was a man at the preschool. his name was Fred Kruger. He was a gardener. He lived in the basement of the preschool. And you kids were his life. We didn't want to believe it at first. You were all so innocent. And you, Nancy. You were his favorite of all. And then we started to notice things.

Quentin Smith: So what did you do? Did you call the police?

Dr. Gwen Holbrook: He left town before we got a chance to confront him. He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore.

Nancy Holbrook: Tell me what happened to Kris, Jesse.

Jesse Braun: Someone killed her in her sleep!

Nancy Holbrook: What? What are you talking about?

Jesse Braun: Don't pretend you don't know, because you do!


Jesse Braun: You said it at the funeral. He's the one who's trying to kill us in our dreams!

Nancy Holbrook: All I keep hearing is the song!

Jesse Braun: What song?

Nancy Holbrook: [singing] One, two, Freddy's coming for you.

Jesse Braun: Freddy!


Jesse Braun: That's his name and he's all in our heads, Nancy!

Nancy Holbrook: Why would you lie to me?

Dr. Gwen Holbrook: I didn't lie.

Nancy Holbrook: It's right here. Why would you lie to me? Stop lying to me! Quit lying to me!

Dr. Gwen Holbrook: I am not lying to you! I am not lying to you!

Nancy Holbrook: Stop lying to me!

Dr. Gwen Holbrook: I am not lying to you! I didn't want you to have to go through your life with this memory! I didn't want you to remember! I wanted you to forget!

Nancy Holbrook: Remember what? What happened at that preschool?

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