The 3 Guys Podcast
Recorded on 12/02/2021
In this podcast episode we review the listener requested movie Speed (Released 1994) starring Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Sandra Bullock, Joe Morton and Jeff Daniels. For this review, we are joined on the mic by our friend Gerard. WARNING: There will be SPOILERS!
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Countries: United StatesLanguages: EnglishBudget: $30,000,000 (estimated)
Howard Payne: Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?
[Jack is helped onto the bus after trying to defuse bomb]
Stephens: Did you have any luck with the bomb?
Jack: Yeah, it didn't go off.
Annie: What is that smell?
Jack: It's gas.
Annie: We're leaking gas?
Jack: We are now.
Annie: What, you thought you needed another challenge or something?
[Traven spots the explosive device (it's huge); Stephens is relaying his observations by cel-phone]
Jack: Fuck me!
Stephens: "Oh, darn."
Harry Temple: All right, pop quiz. Airport, gunman with one hostage. He's using her for cover; he's almost to a plane. You're a hundred feet away... Jack?
Jack: Shoot the hostage.
Jack: STOP! L.A.P.D! Get out of the car!
Maurice the Tune Man: Hey man, this is MY car, I OWN this car, it's NOT stolen.
Jack: [pulls gun out and points it at him] It is now. Move over.
Howard Payne: [Payne wrestles with Jack for a deadman-switch detonator on top of a runaway subway train] I'm smarter than you, Jack! I'm smarter! I'm smarter!
[Jack sees a hanging light approaching and forces Payne into its path. Payne looks up and screams before the light decapitates him]
Jack: [grabbing the detonator before Payne's body falls away] Yeah? Well, I'm TALLER!
[last lines]
Jack: I have to warn you, I've heard relationships based on intense experiences never work.
Annie: OK. We'll have to base it on sex then.
Jack: Whatever you say, ma'am.
Howard Payne: See, I'm in charge here! I drop this stick, and they pick your friend here up with a sponge! Are you ready to die, friend?
Harry: Fuck you!
Howard Payne: Oh! In two hundred years we've gone from "I regret but I have one life to give for my country" to "Fuck you!"?
Annie: So you're a cop, right?
Jack: That's right.
Annie: Well, I should probably tell you that I'm taking the bus because I had my driver's license revoked.
Jack: What for?
Annie: Speeding.
Jack: It's a game. If he gets the money he wins, if the bus blows up he wins.
Annie: What if you win?
Jack: Then tomorrow we'll play another one.
Annie: But I'm not available to drive tomorrow. Busy.
[after surviving the bus explosion]
Annie: You're not going to get mushy on me, are you?
Jack: Maybe. I might.
Annie: I hope not, 'cause you know, relationships that start under intense circumstances, they never last.
Jack: Oh yeah?
Annie: Yeah, I've done extensive study on this.
Jack: You're crazy! You're fuckin' crazy!
Howard Payne: NO! Poor people are crazy, Jack. I'm eccentric.
Harry Temple: You shot me, I can't believe it. They're giving you a medal for shooting me, you little prick!
Jack: Harry... you TOLD me to.
Harry: [drunk] Well, I'm gonna go home, have some sex.
Jack: Harry, you're gonna go home and puke.
Harry: Well that'll be fun too.
[repeated phrase]
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: Don't get dead.
Annie: You didn't leave me. I can't believe it... you didn't leave me.
Jack: Didn't have anywhere to be just then.
Jack: Tell me again Harry, why did I take this job?
Harry Temple: Oh come on, thirty more years of this, you get a tiny pension and a cheap gold watch.
Jack: Cool.
Jack: Harry! Tell me good news, man.
Howard Payne: Oh, I'm sorry, Jack. He didn't make it.
Jack: You FUCK!
Howard Payne: It was the watch that led him to me, wasn't it? Huh? It seemed a little hammy to me to build a bomb out of my precious retirement gift, but, you know, I figured a sign that said "Howard Payne" would be pushing it.
Jack: I'm gonna rip your fucking spine out, I swear to God.
Howard Payne: This day has been rather disappointing, I don't mind saying.
Jack: Why, because you didn't get to kill everyone?
Howard Payne: There's gonna come a time, boy, when you will wish you never met me.
Jack: Mister, I'm already there!
[after the elevator falls]
Young Executive: Jesus. Bob, what button did you push?
Ortiz: You're not too bright, man, but ya got some big round hairy cajones.
Jack: That's very gross, Ortiz.
Ortiz: Huh, can't even pay him a compliment.
Harry: Guts'll get you so far, then they'll get you killed.
Harry Temple: What do you think?
Jack: You're the expert, I just work here.
Harry Temple: Looks pretty solid.
Jack: Anyone we know?
Harry Temple: I don't recognize the work, but he's pro.
[checks watch]
Harry Temple: Oh, he's cutting it close.
Jack: I don't like it.
Harry Temple: What's to like? Mac said we hold, so we hold.
[Jack begins looking around; Harry thinks]
Harry Temple: Alright, pop quiz. Airport, gunman with a hostage. He's using her for cover. He's almost to a plane. You're one hundred feet away.
[Jack doesn't respond]
Harry Temple: Jack?
Jack: Shoot the hostage.
Harry Temple: What?
Jack: Take her out of the equation. Go for the good wound and he can't get to the plane with her. Clear shot.
Harry Temple: You're deeply nuts, you know that? "Shoot the hostage."
Jack: Harry, this is wrong. He's gonna blow it anyway.
Harry Temple: Why?
Jack: I don't know, gut feeling.
Harry Temple: Yeah, well, right now Mac outranks your gut. So we sit.
Jack: How much you think that elevator weights?
Harry Temple: Jack, come on!
Jack: Maybe we can do something about those hostages.
Harry Temple: We're not gonna shoot em right?
Howard Payne: You think I wouldn't have been prepared? Two years I spent setting up that elevator job, two years I invested in it. You couldn't understand the kind of commitment that I have. You ruined a man's life's work and you think you can walk away? You got blinders on to the world! But I got your attention now, didn't I Jack?
Jack: [distressed] Why didn't you just come after me?
Howard Payne: No this is about ME! This is about my money, this is about money DUE ME! Which I WILL collect! 3.7 Million dollars! It's my nest egg, Jack, at my age you have to think ahead.
Jack: [angry] When I find you...
Howard Payne: [cuts him off] Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?
Jack: I'd want to know what bus it was...
Howard Payne: You think I'm going to tell you that?
Jack: Yes.
Howard Payne: Aha, very good. There are rules, Jack, and I want you to get this right. NO ONE goes off the bus. If you try to take any passengers off the bus, I will detonate it. I want my money by 11AM.
Jack: We can't pull that kind of money in time!
Howard Payne: [shouting] FOCUS, JACK! Your concern is the bus. And don't try to call. The radio's down. Now, the number of the bus is 2525, it's running downtown from Venice. It's at the corner of Ocean Park & Main.
[Jack takes off for his car as sirens from approaching fire engines can be heard]
Jack: Was it good for you?
Harry Temple: It was great for me.
Jack: Elevator dropped.
Harry Temple: Oh, that's good to know.
[both sit down]
Jack: Is your watch slow?
Harry Temple: No, no, he jumped the gun. We had three minutes left.
Jack: Why's he do that? He's losing his three million.
Harry Temple: I don't know maybe he couldn't hold his wad long enough. It's a common problem among middle-aged men. So I'm told.
Jack: [gets up; realizing] He's here.
Harry Temple: He could have blown that thing from Pacoima!
Jack: No, he knew we were up to something. He's close by.
Harry Temple: He's not gonna corner himself in a building. We evacuated anyways.
[Jack looks disappointed]
Harry Temple: Alright. He'd wanna be here but he'd wanna stay mobile. Right?
[Jack nods]
Harry Temple: The elevators.
Jack: The passenger cars were stopped. They checked em out.
Harry Temple: What about the freight elevators?
Ortiz: I'm telling ya, honey, he's somewhere jerking off.
Annie: He didn't have to get ON the bus in the first place, Ortiz. Hey, get your ass behind the yellow line!
[after remotely killing a hostage, then promptly hearing about it on the TV news]
Howard Payne: Interactive TV, Jack! Wave of the future - ha ha ha, huh?
Helen: Are they going to help us?
Stephens: Sure they are, they're the police. Hey, your taxes are paying their salaries. We die, they gotta take a pay cut.
Howard Payne: Jack, nothing tricky now. You know I'm on top of you! DO NOT attempt to grow a brain!
[the bus has just entered LAX]
SWAT Driver: He's just entered the airport.
SWAT Officer: The airport? There's thousands of people there.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: All right! That's my boy Jack! We should be able to circle the runways and buy us some time. The choppers can't fly in there; it's restricted air space.
SWAT Driver: He's headed for the end of the field.
SWAT Officer: That must be Bravo Tango, an emergency runway.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: Yeah, let's hope it's built. Let's move!
[Jack is trying to get Sam's attention]
Jack: Hey!
[honks horn repeatingly]
Jack: I'm a cop! LAPD! There's a bomb on your bus! There is a bomb on your bus!
Sam: What?
Maurice the Tune Man: There's a -WHAT? FUCK!
Jack: Yeah?
Howard Payne: I think we have trust, but it looks on TV like you're trying to get those passengers off the bus.
Jack: Look, you've got to let me have one.
Howard Payne: We went over the rules.
Jack: As an act of faith. We have an injured man here. The driver's been shot.
Howard Payne: Jack, tell me that you haven't been shooting the passengers. I thought it was customary for a police officer to shoot the bad guys.
Jack: This man has no time.
Howard Payne: No one gets off!
Jack: It'll grease the wheels with the money men if you show some charity. There's still gonna be plenty of us to kill.
Howard Payne: OK, son, you can try and unload the driver. You tell that wildcat behind the wheel not to slow down, though, or he won't even get a chance to bleed to death. And, Jack, don't slip.
Annie: [Annie has just driven the bus into a woman's baby carriage]
Annie: Oh my God, oh my God.
Jack: It's cans. It's Ok, it's cans.
Annie: What?
Jack: They were just cans.
Howard Payne: Be prepared! This is the Boy Scout marching song.
Jack: [after taking Maurice's car and breaking off the door] Sir I'm gonna need to take your phone.
Maurice the Tune Man: Take the phone!
Jack: [after contemplating a solution] Maybe we can do something about these hostages.
Harry: We're not gonna shoot them, right?
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: You're fired! Everybody's fuckin' fired!
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: And here... is to Harry. For his quick thinking... for his grace under pressure, and for his brave and selfless act.
[everyone cheers]
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: And to Jack for shooting Harry. Something we've all wanted to do for a very long time.
Howard Payne: What do you think, Jack? You think you pick up all the bus driver's teeth they'll give you another medal?
Jack: Jeez...
Howard Payne: You think I wouldn't have been prepared? Two years I spent, setting up that elevator job. Two years I invested myself in it. You couldn't understand the kind of commitment I have. You ruined a man's life's work and you think you can walk away? You got blinders on to the world! But I got your attention now, didn't I Jack?
Jack: Why didn't you just come after me?
Howard Payne: Now this is about my money. This is about money due me. Which I collect. $3.7 million. It's my nest egg, Jack - at my age you gotta think ahead.
Jack: When I find you...
Howard Payne: Oh, quiz hot shot. There's a bomb on a bus, once the bus goes 50mp/h, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?
Jack: I'd wanna know what bus it was...
Howard Payne: You think I'm gonna tell you that?
Jack: Yes.
Howard Payne: Aha, very good. There are rules, Jack, and I want you to get this right. No one goes off the bus. You try to take any passengers off the bus, I will detonate it. I want my money by 11 A.M.
Jack: We can't pull that kind of money in time!
Howard Payne: Focus, Jack! Your concern is the bus. And don't try to call. The radio's down. Now, the number of the bus is 2525, it's running downtown from Venice. It's at the corner of Ocean Park & Main.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: Alright gentlemen, what we have here is 13 passengers in a express elevator. Below floor 30. Bomber's already taken out cables, bomber wants $3 million or he blows the emergency brakes.
Harry Temple: What's our clock?
Norwood: He gave one hour. That leaves us twenty-three minutes exactly.
Swat Cop: Anything else that will keep this elevator from falling?
Jack: Yeah, the basement.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: The city would like to avoid that event, Officer Traven.
Harry Temple: We can't just unload the passengers?
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: This is an express elevator gentlemen. The only way in or out is through access panels. Bomber's also wired the hatch to trigger the bomb, which seats him in the crazy-but-not-stupid section.
Jack: Sir, Harry volunteers to examine the device.
Harry Temple: Yeah, right.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: Fine. The two of you check it out.
Norwood: The nearest access panel is on the thirty-second floor in the lobby.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: I want reports only, we're in a holding patern. Worthy, Briggs, I want you to secure base area, no one in or out. Everyone else, I want you to confirm building evac. Move!
Jack: [to Harry] Looks like we're walking.
Howard Payne: A bomb is made to explode. That's its meaning. Its purpose. Your life is empty because you spend it trying to stop the bomb from becoming. And for who? For what? You know what a bomb is, Jack, that doesn't explode? It's a cheap gold watch, buddy.
Jack: [answering phone] Harry! Tell me good news man.
Howard Payne: Oh, I'm sorry Jack. He didn't make it.
Jack: [realizes; slight pause] Fuck!
Howard Payne: It was the watch that lead him to me, wasn't it? It seemed a little hammy to me, to build a bomb out of my precious retirement gift. But you know, I figured a sign that said "Howard Payne" would be pushing it.
Jack: I'm gonna rip your fucking spine out, I swear to God.
Howard Payne: You're gonna do exactly as you're told! Jack, we both know he was the brains of your particular operation. You can't beat me, you're gonna pay me every dollar. Otherwise, you, the wildcat, and every innocent person on that bus, are gonna end up just like your friend. You paying attention? Jack, you listening to me? Jack? Jack!
Jack: Yeah...
Howard Payne: Good! Now you tell them that the drop point is Pershing Square. You drop the bags and leave. I don't show until all your people are gone. It's getting on to 11 AM, Jack, and I think it's gonna be a very pretty day.
[laughs nefariously]
Howard Payne: [hangs up; Jack flips out]
Annie: Jack stop it! We're really scared and we need you right now. I can't do this by myself! Jack, please?
Jack: [chuckles] We're gonna die.
Annie: No we're not. We got this far alright?
[Jack looks at Annie's jacket]
Jack: I'll be damned. You go to the University of Arizona?
Annie: Yeah, so?
Jack: Good football team.
Annie: Yeah? I guess so, I wouldn't know.
Jack: Arizona Wildcats.
Annie: Right...
Jack: He can see you.
Annie: What?
Jack: He can see you. Just keep looking straight ahead.
Jack: [Jack looks around; finds the camera] He called you a Wildcat before. I didn't even pick up on it. Bastard's got a camera right in your face. He can see the whole bus. He's been playing me from minute one.
Annie: Well, he can see me but can he hear me?
Jack: Doesn't look like it he's just watching you.
Jack: Harry, there's enough C-4 on this thing to put a hole in the world!
Stephens: First time in LA.
Annie: Oh no, I live here.
Stephens: No, mine. Oh that's just funny, you heard me wrong. Nah, I'm sight-seeing.
Annie: Oh, really?
Stephens: Yeah. I hate to use the word 'tourist,' but it's not like I can hide it...
Annie: Not really.
Stephens: [sigh] Did you know it took me three hours to get here from the airport? I got so lost. LA's one big place, but I guess you don't notice, seeing as you live here. I'm such a yokel. There, I said it!
Annie: Oh jeez. You know what? I got gum on my seat, GUM!
[sits on a different bus seat nearer the front]
Robin: [Shows Harry a newspaper clipping] Howard Payne, Atlanta P.D. Bomb Squad! Retired to Sun Valley in 1989 when a small charge left him with fingers numbering nine!
Harry: That's our SCUMBAG!
Annie: There's gum on my seat... GUM!
Stephens: It's okay. If you need to, you go right ahead and vomit.
[Payne points a shotgun at Jack's face]
Howard Payne: I don't suppose anybody'll give me three million just for you?
Jack: Will the mystery guest please sign in?
Howard Payne: What do you think, Jack? You think if you pick up all the bus driver's teeth, they'll give you another medal?
Howard Payne: [repeating what a news reporter just said] "The whim of a madman" - I like that!
[Jack jumps from Maurice's car onto the bus]
Maurice the Tune Man: [repeatedly] Whoa, shit!
Maurice the Tune Man: [crashes into the barrels of water] Whoa, SHIIIITT!
Howard Payne: Do not fuck with daddy!
Norwood: Sir, uh, we have a serious problem.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: What?
Norwood: This freeway isn't finished.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: What are you talking about?
Norwood: The aerial unit caught it about three miles ahead. There's a section missing.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: [taking out his map] Section missing? But it's on the map. It's finished on the God damn map!
Norwood: I guess they fell behind!
Harry: Forget the files. I want you to start going through the pension fund. This guy's drawin' disability. He may not be LAPD, but he's livin' here now. I want pictures!
[muttering to himself]
Harry: I've seen this asshole.
[after five minutes worth of screaming from the armed elevator]
Norwood: Usually they fall down now.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: Ok, Jack, this is it. Don't get dead.
Annie: Hey! Get your ass behind the yellow line.
[first lines]
Workman: Hey, this area's restricted.
Howard Payne: Oh, hi. Yeah, I know. They called me down here. Some of this wiring got screwed up.
Workman: Nobody called it down to me. I'm going to have to see a work order.
Howard Payne: Yeah, just a second. There you are.
[stabs workman in the ear with a screwdriver]
Howard Payne: Nothing personal.
Young Executive: [Bob pushes elevator button that has already been pushed] Thanks for pushing that, Bob. The light's on but you never know, it really might be broken.
Young Executive's Friend: Shut up.
Jack: You've gotta let me off.
Howard Payne: Oh, no! That's not good!
[after five minutes worth of screaming from the armed elevator]
Mr. Bagwell: Usually they fall down now.
Howard Payne: I hate talking to negotiators, Jack. They talk to you like they're your best friend and they don't even know you.
[the bus is caught in a gridlock]
Annie: Hey, Sam?
Sam: [whispers under his breath] Shit!
Annie: SAM!
Sam: What?
Annie: Why don't you just drive around these people?
Sam: Don't spit on my bus, Annie.
Howard Payne: [to Annie, who is crying and hysterical with fear] Hey, buckaroo! It's not because you're a woman.
Jack: I gotta get on that bus.
Maurice the Tune Man: You gotta get... yeah, yeah, you get on the bus.
Jack: [calling to Sam] Drive straight! Stay in this lane!
Maurice the Tune Man: Watch the road.
[speeding forward, Jack opens the door]
Maurice the Tune Man: W-Wait a minute. What are you doing?
Jack: Are you insured?
Maurice the Tune Man: Yeah. Why?
[Jack slams on the brakes, and the passing bus breaks the door off]
Maurice the Tune Man: No! No! AHH! Broke my-my door.
Annie: We gotta stop this thing!
Jack: No! Don't! Stay above 50!
Annie: But Sam's been shot! We gotta get him off!
Jack: You slow down, and this bus'll explode!
[the passengers all look up, alarmed]
Jack: There is a bomb on this bus. If we slow down, it'll blow. If anyone tries to get off, it'll explode.
Terry: Bullshit! Yeah, there's a bomb. Some funny joke, man.
Jack: Are we gonna have a problem now?
[repeated line]
Sam: This ain't no bus stop!
Annie: So, why is all this happening? I mean, what did we do, bomb the guy's country or something?
Jack: No, it's just a guy who wants money.
Annie: I don't buy that. It's not a very good way to make money. So, um, what is this guy's deal?
Jack: A while back, he held some people for ransom. It went sour, and now he's a little pissed at me.
Annie: Well, what does that have to do with us?
Jack: Nothing.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: Temple, we just got a ransom demand from your dead terrorist. Says he's rigged a city bus. Where's Jack?
Harry: Where do you think?
Ray: Stop the bus!
Jack: He can't.
Ray: Sit down!
Jack: Listen...
Ray: Stop the bus! Stop it!
Jack: Look, look! Listen! Look, I'm putting my gun away, okay? Okay?
[doing so]
Jack: Now, listen. I don't care about your crime. Whatever you did, I'm sure that you're sorry. So it's cool now. It's over. And I'm not a cop right now.
[putting his badge down]
Jack: See? We're just too cool guys hangin' out...
[Ortiz tries to restrain Ray, and in the melee, Sam the bus driver is shot]
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: Let's get these passengers off the bus!
Jack: We can't do it, sir.
Lt. Herb "Mac" McMahon: There's no time for any stunts, Traven. We gotta get these people out of harm's way!
Jack: I got orders!
[indicating the news helicopters following above]
Jack: We move these people, he'll see. Remember: crazy, not stupid.
Jack: Everybody, I'm Jack Traven, LAPD. We have a slight situation on the bus here. Ma'am, if you'll please sit down...
Annie: No, I won't sit down. You're scaring the shit out of these people.
Jack: Ma'am, please!
[she sits down]
Jack: If everybody will stay in your seats and remain calm, we should be able to diffuse the situation. So sit tight and...
Ray: [standing and drawing a gun] Get away from me!
Jack: [drawing his own] I don't know you, man. I'm not here for you. Let's not do this.
Jack: [a secondary bomb detonated when a passenger tried to get off] How are you doing? You all right?
Annie: Mm-mm.
Jack: What can I do?
Annie: When that bomb went off...
Jack: I know.
Annie: I thought that was it. I thought that was the bomb and I was dead. And then when I saw her body fall under the bus, it was like...
Jack: You were glad you were still alive.
Annie: Mm-hmm. I'm so sorry.
Jack: Don't be. You should be glad. We all are. It doesn't mean you don't care.
Annie: I know, but she was so scared.
Jack: She was scared. She was a nice lady who didn't deserve to get killed. But, Annie, if she'd gotten off, it would've killed us all.
Jack: I need to know, can you handle this bus?
Annie: I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. Just tell me what the plan is. Is there a plan?
Jack: Just for you to drive. We're okay for now. Just keep us above 50.
Annie: Good plan.
Jack: Three triggers. One on the axle I can't really see, a cellular remote...
Annie: [nervously] Officer.
Jack: ...and a timer running off a wristwatch.
Harry: A watch? What kind of watch?
Jack: Gold. Gold band, fairly cheesy.
Annie: Officer.
[he gives her the "hold on" gesture]
Annie: Officer!
Jack: What's on your mind, Harry?
Annie: Shit, what do I do?
[grabbing the bus's internal PA microphone]
Harry: The watch is a shitty timer. Why use it? What's he sayin'?
Robin: Lots of people have watches, Harry.
Harry: This guy has no M.O. A bomber falls in love with one kind of bomb, and they're very monogamous. This guy uses C4, dynamite, different trigger every time, and now he throws in this watch.
Robin: He's an encyclopedia of bombs. He knows every kind.
Harry: Yeah, and everything we do to dismantle it.
[a thought strikes him]
Harry: Wait a minute. I wanna look at the files for the last ten years.
Robin: We did the mug shots already. That's not gonna help.
Harry: No. I wanna look at cops.
Harry: [Howard Payne has Harry as a hostage whilst holding a detonator stick] Go ahead, drop the stick, do it!
Jack: Shut up, Harry!
Howard Payne: Oh, we got all the balls in the world right here man!