The 3 Guys Podcast
Recorded on 1/06/2022
This week we pull from our archive to release one of the first podcasts we recorded. In this episode we review James Cameron’s hit action movie True Lies (released 1994) starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Eliza Dushku, Tom Arnold, Bill Paxton, Art Malik and Tia Carrere. WARNING: There will be SPOILERS!
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Countries: United StatesLanguages: English, French, Arabic, GermanBudget: $115,000,000 (estimated)
Helen Tasker: Have you ever killed anyone?
Harry: Yeah, but they were all bad.
Gib: [to Harry] Same thing happened to me with wife number two, 'member? I have no idea nothing's going on, right? I come home one day and the house is empty, and I mean completely empty. She even took the ice cube trays out of the freezer. What kind of a sick bitch takes the ICE CUBE trays out of the FREEZER?
[after watching her husband kill dozens of men,on a deserted island]
Helen Tasker: [walking next to wooden crates] I married Rambo!
[while preparing to fire a Harrier missile, from which Salim Abu Aziz is hanging from]
Harry: [presses the button] You're fired!
[Harry is under the influence of a truth serum,in private room located on a deserted island]
Samir: Is there anything you'd like to tell me before we start?
Harry: Yeah. I'm going to kill you pretty soon.
Samir: I see. How, exactly?
Harry: First I'm going to use you as a human shield. Then I'm going to kill this guard over here with the Patterson trocar on the table. And then I was thinking about breaking your neck.
Samir: And what makes you think you can do all that?
Harry: You know my handcuffs?
Samir: Mmm-hmm.
Harry: [holds up his hands] I picked them.
[Samir gasps. Harry springs up from his chair and grabs Samir, using him as a shield while he kills the guard, then breaks Samir's neck]
Harry: [holding Simon at the edge of an aquaduct] Son of a bitch, Did you think you can elude us forever, Carlos, huh?
Simon: Hey, you got the wrong guy! My name's Simon! Just let me go. There's no need to kill me. I haven't seen your...
[Harry and Gib remove their masks]
Simon: face. No, no, no I didn't see it, I didn't see it!
[realizes that it is Harry]
Simon: Oh, it's you! Hey, you still interested in that 'Vette at all?
Gib: Hey, Carlos? Game's over. Your career as an international terrorist is well documented.
Simon: No...
Gib: -Oh, yeah.
Simon: No...
Gib: Oh, yeah!
Simon: No!
Gib: OH, YEAH!
Simon: No, I sell cars! That's all! C'mon, I'm not a terrorist. I'm actually a complete coward, if I ever saw a gun, I'd...
Harry: [Harry takes his gun out and points it in Simon's face]
Simon: [Whining and pleading] Oh God, no, please don't kill me. I'm not a spy. I'm nothing. I'm navel lint! I have to lie to women to get laid, and I don't score much. I got a little dick, it's pathetic!
[Harry and Gib gave Simon a weird look, then Simon pees his pants]
Simon: Wha, uh, oh God. Would a spy pee himself, huh? Please, I'm not worth a bullet. Oh, mercy sir!
Harry: [Disgusted] Get the fuck out of here. Just go, just beat it.
Simon: No, no, as soon as I turn, you're gonna shoot me! You're gonna shoot me, you're gonna shoot me, you're gonna shoot me!
Gib: [Gib and Harry get into their van] Get lost, dipshit.
[fires a few rounds into the ground near Simon]
Simon: [hitting on a woman at the party] Here, let me pour you some more champaigne. I gotta keep up the waiter bit, these stakeouts can be a little tricky you know, you never know if things can explode to a life or death situation, just stay low and I'll contact you later. Maybe you should give me your tele...
Harry: [puts his hand in Simon] So, we meet again Carlos.
Helen Tasker: [puts her lipstick case under Simon's chin] Honey, I'm gonna do him right here.
Harry: [proudly] Go for it.
Simon: Oh god.
[pees in his pants]
Helen Tasker: Fear is not an option.
[Simon runs out of the party nervously screaming]
[last lines to himself, inside a surveillance van]
Gib: You know what? I'm sick of being in the van. You guys are going to be in the van next time. I've been in the van for 15 years, Harry.
Faisil: [in a conference room in their counter terrorism sector] They call him the Sand Spider.
Spencer Trilby: Why?
Faisil: Probably because it sounds scary.
Simon: [in a Chinese restaurant] Did you read the papers yesterday?
Helen Tasker: [whispers] Yes.
Simon: Sometimes a story's a mask for a covert operation. See "Two men killed in a restroom and two unidentified men in a running shootout ending at the Marriot."
Helen Tasker: That was you.
Harry Tasker: [listening to their conversation with Gib]
Simon: You see...
Harry Tasker: [whispers to Gib] That was me.
Simon: You're very good. You recognize my style. You're a natural at this.
Gib: The guy's a fake, man. He's taking credit for our moves.
Helen Tasker: What happened?
Simon: Hardly worth talking about. Two of them won't bother me again.
Gib: Unbelievable!
Helen Tasker: You chased one?
Simon: Something came over me. I just had to nail this guy no matter what the risk. Pretty hairy. I thought he had me a couple of times. But I can't take credit.
Helen Tasker: Why not?
Simon: It's the training. It shapes you into a lethal instrument. You react in a microsecond without thinking.
Gib: [laughing] I'm startin' to like this guy.
[Harry gives him a mean look]
Gib: [gets serious] We still gotta kill him. That's a given. You know.
Gib: Women. Can't live with 'em. Can't kill 'em!
Simon: [trying to sell Harry a Corvette with Simon driving] You see, it's not just a car. It's a total image. An identity you have to go for. This isn't some high-tech sports car. Tell you the truth, it doesn't even handle that great. But that's not the idea, is it? What are we talking about here? Pussy, right?
Harry: [fake laughs] Absolutely.
Simon: Let's face it, Harry. The 'Vette gets 'em wet.
[Salim Abu Aziz reveals a nuclear weapon]
Salim Abu Aziz: Do you know what this is?
Harry: I know what this is...
[Salim smiles]
Harry: This is an espresso machine.
[Salim frowns]
Harry: No, no wait. It's a snow cone maker.
[Salim approaches Harry]
Harry: Is it a water heater?
Harry: [referring to Helen] So who are you working on right now?
Simon: I always got a few on the line. But there's this one chick I got right now. I got her panting like a dog. Its great.
Harry: What does she do?
Simon: Some sort of legal secretary. Married to some boring jerk.
Harry: Married to some boring jerk.
Simon: Aww, but she could be so hot if she wanted to. She's like all these babes, you get their pilot lit, they could suck start a leafblower. And she's got the most incredible body too and a pair of titties that make you wanna stand up and beg for buttermilk. Ass like a ten year old boy! AHAHAHAHA!
Simon: [Harry punches him in the face instantly breaking Simon's neck and the daydream ends] AHAHAHAHAHA!
Harry: [driving in their SUV] You tell on me, I tell on you.
Gib: What are you talking about, I'm as clean as a preacher's sheets. I'm as clean as...
Harry: What about that time you blew a six-week operation because you were too busy getting a blow job?
Gib: You knew about that?
Harry: Uh-huh.
Gib: [over radio] All right twinkle toes, what's your exit strategy?
Harry: I'm gonna walk right out of the front gate.
Gib: [over radio] Ballsy. Stupid but ballsy.
[to Dana, who's wearing a helmet,]
Gib: [as she leaves the kitchen] Yeah, I remember the first time I got shot out of a cannon.
Gib: So your life's in the crapper. So you wife is banging a used car salesman - it's humiliating, I know. But goddamnit, Harry, take it like a man!
Harry: [over the radio, riding in the middle of a park] Make it quick because my horse is getting tired.
Gib: [over the radio] Your horse?
Harry: [Loopy from the truth serum he's been given, in private room located on a deserted island] Ask me a question I would normally lie to.
Helen Tasker: [panicky] Are we gonna die?
Harry: Yep!
Helen Tasker: I'd say it's working.
Harry: They're gonna shoot us in the head or they gonna torture us to death or they gonna leave us here when the bomb blows up...
Helen Tasker: Harry!
[talking about Harry Tasker's wife, in a car with Simon]
Helicopter Pilot: Oh yeah, she's got her head in the guy's lap all right. Yahoo.
[to Harry Tasker]
Gib: Maybe she's sleepy.
Gib: [in their SUV, following Simon and Helen, arrived at Simon's used car dealership] The guy is a goddamn used car salesman!
Gib: I mean, this just keeps getting better and better!
[Harry gives him a dirty look]
Gib: I'm sorry, Harry, I know this has got to be painful. But you gotta admit, it's pretty damn funny. I mean, if it was just some idiot and not you, you'd be laughing your ass off.
[starts to laugh]
Gib: [on the floor of the fake computer company] Care to tango?
Faisil: Yes, I would.
Harry: [they start dancing] Assholes.
Simon: [leaning on Simon's corvette, having lunch] Okay, just ask yourself: What do women really want? You take these bored housewives, married to the same guy for years, they're stuck in a rut, then need some release! Promise of adventure, a hint of danger. I create that for them.
Harry: So basically, your lying your ass off the whole time. See, I can't do that.
Simon: What are you, a boy scout? No, no, no, think of it as playing a role as fantasy. I mean, you got to work on their dreams. Get them out of their daily surburban grind for a few hours.
Harry: But what about their husbands?
Simon: Dickless! I mean, let's face it, if they took care of business, I'd be out of business! You know what I mean?
Harry: [fake laughs] Those idiots!
[Harry is commandeering a Harrier to rescue his daughter]
Gib: Harry, do you realize it has, in fact, been 10 years since you've been behind the wheel of one of these things?
Harry Tasker: If I break it, they can take it outta my pay.
Helen Tasker: [confessing on why she wants to go with Simon to Paris] I wanted to do something outrageous, and it felt really good, to be needed, and to be trusted. It's just there's so much I want to do with this life and it feels that I haven't done any of it. You know, the sand is running out of the hourglass, and I want to look back and say, see, I did that, that was me, I was reckless and I was wild, and I fucking did it.
[about Harry's daughter, just having entered the fake computer company]
Gib: Do you think she's still a virgin?
Harry: Dont be ridiculous, she's only - -what is she now?
Gib: She's fourteen!
Harry: She's fourteen years old!
Gib: Yeah, and her little hormones are going off like a car alarm.
Harry: [talking through microphones and speakers] The code name of your assignment will be... Boris. And your code name will be...
Helen Tasker: [hopeful] Natasha?
Harry: No... Doris.
Harry: Well, you see, this is the problem with terrorists. They're really inconsiderate when it comes to people's schedules.
Party Guard: [on the driveway of the castle] Can I see your invitation?
Harry: [takes out a cigarette case and presses a button on it] Sure, here's my invitation.
[blows shed sky-high]
Harry: [translating the terrorist celebrations for Helen] ... We're cool, we're badasses, blah, blah, blah.
Gib: [talking to Helen in a disguised voice] If you don't complete your mission, the deal is off
[hangs up the phone]
Gib: I'm going to hell.
Gib: [helping Harry into their SUV] You know what? I say we concentrate on work, buddy. That's what I do every time my life turns to dog shit. I concentrate on work, and that gets me by. All right, buddy? This is gonna be great. You know what? We're gonna catch some terrorists, we're gonna beat the crap out of them, you're gonna feel a hell of a lot better.
[Simon attempting to have sex with Helen on the couch in his trailer]
Helen Tasker: No, I can't. I can't!
[Simon still pursuing]
Simon: If not for me, Helen, do it for your country!
Faisil: [the van is slipping on ice] Hey, watch it.
Gib: It's called ice, and it gets a little slick.
Harry: [viewing Aziz and his behind the railing on one of the upper balconies,trying to translate for Helen what Aziz is saying] In 90 minutes, the holy fire, will light up the skies.
[the terrorists are covering the nuclear warhead with an american flag and cement]
Harry: We will tell the the whole world, that we speak, the truth. No force can stop us now, we're cool, we're badasses, blah, blah, blah.
Helen Tasker: Honey, if we're on an island, why are they using trucks?
Harry: We must be in the Florida Keys. These are the islands that have highways that connect the islands to the mainland.
Helen Tasker: There's no borders, no customs. They can go anywhere in the U.S. They're will be no one to stop them.
Harry: But, us. Here take this
[hands Helen an Uzi]
Helen Tasker: [nervously] Oh, shit.
Gib: Kids - 10 seconds of joy, 30 years of misery.
Harry: [Harry is reading the tapped phone conversations from Helen, notices something, and quickly pulls the car over to the side of the road and up onto the curb]
Gib: [getting out of the passenger side] My turn to drive?
Harry: Give me the page!
Gib: What?
Harry: This jumps from page 9 to page 11, where's page 10?
Gib: [looks at paper] Must be a typo.
Harry: [shouts, breaks the window with his bare fist] Give me the goddamn page!
Harry: ok
[Gib looks at the window, and quickly grabs page 10 from his coat]
Harry: OK.
Gib: You aren't her parents anymore, her parents are Axl Rose and Madonna, you can't compete with that kind of bombardment.
Gib: [to Harry, who thinks his wife is having an affair] Hey, Harry. Listen, Helen still loves you. You know, she just wants to bang this guy for a while. You know? It's nothing serious. You'll get used to it soon...
Harry: [slams him up against a car] Stop cheering me up!
Harry: Put a tap on her phone.
Gib: What are you talking about? I already did that.
Harry: I'm talking about Helen's. Put a tap on her office line and the line to my house. Do it NOW.
Gib: Okay. All right. Just come over her. Sounds great. I just wanna ask you about something.
[takes him aside]
Gib: I got two words to describe that idea, in-sane. An unauthorized wire tap is a felony, pard...
Harry: [slams him up against the wall] And we're doing it twenty times a day! So don't give me that crap.
Helen Tasker: [has the upper hand on Juno in the back of a limo and grabs a champagne bottle] LIKE ONE?
[hits her with it]
Helen Tasker: HOW 'BOUT TWO?
[clobbers her a second time]
[Harry has just returned from Helen's office and is shell-shocked]
Harry: Helen... Helen...
Gib: Helen...?
Harry: Helen...
Gib: It's got something to do with Helen, I'm guessing.
Harry: Helen...
Harry: [on the sidewalk next to their SUV] Helen... is having an affair!
Gib: [hugs him] Welcome to the club, man!
Faisil: [sitting next to Albert, hacking into a computer inside their surveillance van] Yes! Files are unlocked! Fast Faisil strikes again. I'm doing, man! I've got my hand up her skirt, and I AM GOIN...
Gib: [covers his microphone so Harry wont hear him] Just copy the goddam files, OK?
[Harry returns to the van after escaping the castle]
Harry: Hi guys.
Gib: Well that worked real good. Right out the old front gate.
Harry: Can you lean back a second...
[Harry shoots two remaining pursuers]
Faisil: [in a conference room in their counter terrorism sector] It's a scale really, with a perfect mission at one end and a total pooch screw at the other, and we're right about in the middle.
Spencer Trilby: You're new on Harry's team, aren't you?
Faisil: Yes.
Spencer Trilby: So what makes you think that the slack I cut him in anyway translates to you?
Harry: [regrettably to Helen] What can I say? I'm a spy.
Salim Abu Aziz: [filming his video when the cameraman abruptly lowers the camera] What's the problem?
Jihad Cameraman: Batter-Aziz!
Harry: [speaking to the horse] What the hell were you thinking? I had the guy, and you let him get away. Look at me when I talk to you. What kind of a cop are you anyway?
Harry: [to Juno, on her private plane] There *is* no us, you psychopathic bitch!
[Harry lights up a cigarette and starts coughing]
Gib: [over the radio] Dickhead.
Harry: [over the radio, walking on the street] Blow me.
[Harry becomes angered when he discovers that Helen may be having an affair]
Gib: What did you expect, Harry? Helen's a flesh and blood woman and you're never there. It was only a matter of time.
Salim Abu Aziz: [his message to the United States while being video taped] You have murdered our women, and our children, and bombed our cities from afar, like cowards, and you dare to call "us" terrorists?Now, we have the ability to strike back at our enemies. Unless "you" "America" pull all military forces out of the Persian gulf area, immediately, and forever, Crimson Jihad will rain fire on one major U.S. city each week, until our demands are met. First, we will detonate one nuclear weapon on this uninhabited island as a demonstration of our power. But, if these demands are not met, Crimson Jihad will rain fire on one major U.S. city each week.
Gib: [to Harry, referring to Juno Skinner, over the radio] Seconds count buddy. Ditch the bitch.
Gib: Harry? Harry? You do not have time to tango, buddy. You copy?
Spencer Trilby: So far, this is not blowing my skirt up, gentlemen.
[Harry sticks an unconscious terrorist's head in a bathroom urinal and flushes it]
Harry Tasker: Cool off.
Simon: [after taken out of his trailer by Harry's government agents] Take her! Take her! Oh, god, don't hurt me!
Juno Skinner: Ok, Suzie Homemaker. Let's go.
Spencer Trilby: [in a conference room in their counter terrorism sector] Sweet Jesus, Harry, you surely screwed the pooch last night, didn't you?
Gib: [shouting to civilians after pursuing Aziz throughout the hotel] Federal officer! Get down now! Duck or Die!
Juno Skinner: [pouring a glass of champagne in a limo while Helen watches, thinking Harry is dead] Would you like one?
Harry Tasker: [Harry is chasing Salim through the city. He comes across a police officer riding a horse] Federal officer in pursuit of suspect!
Harry Tasker: [knocks the officer off his horse] Sorry.
Police Officer: [getting up off the ground as Harry rides off] Hey!
Juno Skinner: [to Helen] My condolences to the widow.
Juno Skinner: [as the limo she riding in is about to go into the water] Oh shit!
Gib: Kids ten seconds of joy 30 years of misery I got married 3 times but was never dumb enough to have any.