Movie Quiz: Silver Linings Playbook

Silver Linings Playbook staring Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro

Silver Linings Playbook

A quiz based on the movie Silver Linings Playbook.

1 / 9

At the start of the film, Pat goes home to live with his parents after spending eight months in a psychiatric institution. Where was that institution located?

2 / 9

Which book of Ernest Hemingway is Pat reading that he later throws through the window?

3 / 9

It what year is the movie supposed to take place?

4 / 9

Pat's encounter with Tiffany leaves him confused and unable to sleep. That night, he ransacks the house looking for something, causing an altercation with his parents and waking up the entire neighborhood in the process. What is he looking for so desperately?

5 / 9

How much Pat and Tiffany score at the dancing competition?

6 / 9

Who did Pat’s wife have an affair with in the shower?

7 / 9

What two-word phrase does Pat use to refer to his separation from Nikki?

8 / 9

During their "date", Tiffany agrees to help Pat get a letter to Nikki, but she changes her mind after he insults her. How does he offend her?

9 / 9

What's the name of Tiffany's ex-husband?

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